
Obama AG Eric Holder and George Soros Were Behind Trump Hating Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Rebecca Dallet’s Election Win in 2018

Obama AG Eric Holder and George Soros Were Behind Trump
Hating Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Rebecca Dallet’s Election
Win in 2018 1

It’s no surprise Wisconsin Justice Rebecca Dallet was all over the President’s attorney in Wisconsin yesterday.  Her way to the court was supported by Eric Holder and George Soros.

Justice Dallet in Wisconsin was not a fan of President Trump and yesterday we were able to see it on display.  But this is not surprising.  Justice Dallet was placed on the court with the help of Eric Holder and George Soros.  Per a report at that Urban Milwaukee in 2018, Ms. Dallet was funded in part by Soros:

In Wisconsin, the committee operates as an unregistered independent expenditure committee, which means it has to file election spending reports, but it does not have to disclose its contributors. So far, the committee has spent $225,000 on electioneering in Wisconsin during the first six months of 2018. That includes $165,000 to support Rebecca Dallet’s election to the Wisconsin Supreme Court in April and another $60,000 in three legislative special elections. All of the group’s election spending was for online advertising.

The national committee must report its fundraising and spending activities to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service because it is classified as a nonprofit political organization known as a 527 group. The committee’s 527 reports to the IRS from late 2016 through March 2018 show that it raised more than $8.3 million to spend on state and federal elections throughout the country. Its top donors are unions and wealthy longtime Democratic donors, including:

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George Soros, a New York investment fund manager, $1.35 million

Fred Eychaner, of Chicago, chairman of Newsweb Corp., $1 million

American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), about $506,225

S. Donald Sussman, a New York hedge fund manager, $500,000

United Food and Commercial Workers Union, $500,000

Michigan architect Jon Stryker, $200,000

The organization was created in 2016 and it is chaired by Eric Holder, the former U.S. Attorney General under Democratic President Barack Obama.

Justice Dallet suggested yesterday that since President Trump didn’t protest a form in 2016 that he shouldn’t be challenging it this year even though it had no bearing in 2016:

Did Justice Dallot receive her talking points yesterday from someone paid for by George Soros as well?

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