100 Percent Fed Up – I worked as a poll challenger in Detroit and left feeling like I was living in a third world country. The chaos, the shouting, the badgering, threatening, bullying, and intimidating of anyone identified as a member of the other team (Republicans) was off the charts. I walked away, feeling like the America I love is being stolen by an evil “win-at-all-cost” ideology.
The video below is just one example of how the paid Wayne County election workers, Democrat poll challengers, and Democrat operatives cheered after they managed to get another GOP poll challenger or attorney working for the GOP removed from the room where they were observing the ballots.
My wife just sent this video of Detroit election workers cheering every time a @migop attorney is removed from the TCF Center, where absentee ballot counting is happening. She says they do this every time they eject a GOP poll watcher & that Dem watchers outnumber GOP 3:1. pic.twitter.com/Sx1aHCoChY
— Aric Nesbitt (@aricnesbitt) November 4, 2020
Last week, the lives of two Republican members of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers and their families were threatened by unhinged people who were furious that after following the rules to not certify the votes if the boards are out of balance, voted to not certify the votes in the city of Detroit where a whopping 71% of the precincts were out of balance, meaning the final tabulation of votes doesn’t match the number of ballots cast.
Today, two Republican members (who were pre-emptively threatened), and two Democrat members of the Michigan Board of State Canvassers are being asked to ignore hundreds of affidavits pointing to massive voter fraud, intimidation of GOP poll challengers, and even accusations of fraud witnessed by a Dominion worker at the TCF Center, and certify the state’s November election results.
Yesterday, an email was sent out with a link for Michigan citizens to join the zoom call today and have their voices heard. Almost three hours into the call and most of the outside voices have been those of Democrat officials, many of whom were never at the TCF Center, demanding that the vote be certified today. One of the strongest voices, former MI GOP Executive Chair Jeff Timmer, was curiously chosen as the first non-elected official to speak. Timmer used his time to demand that the MI Board of Canvassers “do their jobs” and certify the vote.
From the Michigan Board of Vote Canvassers, Jeff Timmer tells his colleagues who’re delaying the certification process that they have no authority to do so….. pic.twitter.com/OQNtEyzUzb
— Daniel Pants (@DanielPantss) November 23, 2020
So, who is this former GOP official, and why is he so anxious to have the vote certified in Michigan?
As it turns out, Jeff Timmer is an unhinged Trump-hating member of the anti-Trump group the Lincoln Project, a group of petty, jealous “Republicans” who spend most of the day on social media tweeting vile and hateful comments at President Trump, his family, and his supporters.
Today, only one hour before the Zoom call with the MI Board of Canvassers, the vile Jeff Timmer retweeted a beautiful video of First Lady Melania Trump accepting the delivery of the Christmas tree to the White House. Along with the video, Timmer wrote: “Merry fu**king Christmas” – Melania Trump
“Merry fucking Christmas” – Melania Trump https://t.co/3p2MT6sTTs
— Jeff Timmer (@jefftimmer) November 23, 2020
Timmer’s hatred isn’t limited to President Trump, the unhinged “Republican” retweeted a message of support for Senator Congressman Bill Huizenga for Senator John James. Timmer tweeted: “Great big whoopity shit,” saying that Republicans haven’t “offered any evidence of fraud in any court.”
Great big whoopity shit. There is no option in law for this to happen. Nor have the Republicans offered evidence of any fraud in any court. https://t.co/MKDNfivflA
— Jeff Timmer (@jefftimmer) November 23, 2020
And finally, this piece of garbage was published by Timmer today in the far-left publication Michigan Advance:
If the BSC does fail to certify President-elect Joe Biden’s big win in Michigan, run for the doors. It means the animals have escaped from their cages and all hell is about to break loose. Lawyers and judges will become the focus.
To the extent President Trump, Rudy Giuliani and the other clown monkeys on his crack legal team have a strategy of chaos, confusion, and delay is it. They have no legitimate legal case to delay the certification in Michigan – or any other state, for that matter. They only have this tragicomedy, which also happens to be an attempted coup d’état.
Timmer was one of the few “Republicans” allowed to speak today. This is how democracy works in Michigan, 90% of Democrats were able to share their opinions on the zoom call while, one of the only spots given to Republican to speak, was given to a Trump-hating fake Republican.