One of Satan Soldier and Habitual Liar Berry Obama Warns Trump’s Election

One of Satan Soldier and Habitual Liar Berry Obama Warns
Trump’s Election 1

Fraud Claims Put Us Democracy on “Dangerous Path”…

Democrats challenged the legitimacy of Trump’s entire presidency.

“Democrats have challenged the outcome of these votes. In fact, Democrats challenged the legitimacy of the Trump election for four years. But you would think that the way to uphold democracy is to assure that, well, democracy happened.”

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Obama, who was famously reticent about his successor for a while after Trump won, accused his successor of putting Democracy “on a dangerous path” with his “baseless” election-fraud claims. Obama said the whole story was the result of Republican leaders “who clearly know better” kowtowing to a “volatile” president who “doesn’t like to lose.”

“I’m more troubled by the fact that other Republican officials who clearly know better are going along with this, are humoring him in this fashion,” Obama said. “It is one more step in delegitimizing not just the incoming Biden administration, but democracy generally. And that’s a dangerous path.”

The Bible recognizes Satan’s world-system and warns us not to love it (1 John 2:15-16). When John writes and tells the Christian “do not love the world”, he’s not talking about the physical planet. The Greek word κόσμος kosmos as it is used by the apostle John and others most often refers to “that which is hostile to God…lost in sin, wholly at odds with anything divine, ruined and depraved.” (BDAG) Satan’s world-system consists of those philosophies and values that perpetually influence humanity to think and behave contrary to God and His Word. This operating apart from God is first and foremost a way of thinking that is antithetical to God and His Word, a way of thinking motivated by a desire to be free from God and the authority of Scripture, a freedom most will accept, even though it is accompanied by all sorts of inconsistencies and absurdities.

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Source: HNewsWire

StevieRay Hansen
Watchmen does not confuse truth with consensus The Watchmen does not confuse God’s word with the word of those in power…

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One of Satan Soldier and Habitual Liar Berry Obama Warns
Trump’s Election 2

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