Paralyzed by Crisis After Only 2 Months, Biden Announces He’s Planning His Re-Election Anyway

Paralyzed by Crisis After Only 2 Months, Biden Announces
He’s Planning His Re-Election Anyway 1

It’s almost as if he doesn’t believe anything is going badly.

Despite the ever-increasing crisis at the border, which the president still refuses to name, President Joe Biden said in his first solo news conference on Thursday that his “plan is to run for re-election.”

The president was asked by Nancy Cordes, the chief White House correspondent for CBS News, “Have you decided whether you are going to run for re-election in 2024? You haven’t set up a re-election campaign yet, as your predecessor had by this time.”

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Biden proceeded to mock former President Donald Trump, who laid the foundations for his re-election bid in early 2017, saying, “My predecessor need do — my predecessor needed to. My predecessor.”

“Oh God, I miss him. The answer is yes, my plan is to run for re-election. That’s my expectation.”

Besides the low-hanging fruit that was Trump’s early re-election campaign, Biden made massive assumptions. Most clearly, he assumes he can pull off another presidential campaign even as his administration refuses to acknowledge the existence of one of the largest surges in illegal immigration the southern border has seen in recent years.

The crisis, or “situation” depending on your position in the Department of Homeland Security, has grown to such an extent that the Department of Health and Human Services was almost forced to ask the Pentagon for permission to use vacant military bases in southern Texas on Wednesday.

The United States military had to be bothered with a request to house children they shouldn’t be concerned with whatsoever because of the negligent immigration policy the Biden administration has enforced thus far.

Worse, this nonsense is taking place while two of the greatest threats to the United States continue to bolster their military presence.

Chinese President Xi Jinping said two weeks ago during a legislative session with representatives of the Chinese armed forces present that the “entire military” needs to reinforce not only its combat readiness but its “capacity building” as well, in preparation for the construction of a “modern socialist state,” according to the South China Morning Post.

In other words, the Chinese president is preparing to grow his country’s sphere of influence, likely aggressively and certainly against the will of American allies like Taiwan, Japan and South Korea. While the Pentagon is being incapacitated by the inability of Biden-led border security agencies, China is completely free to extend its arm of tyranny throughout Asia.

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North Korea has also bullied the Biden administration, Kim Yo Jong threatening the president not to cause problems if he wants America to remain “in peace” for the remainder of his term.

“A word of advice to the new administration of the United States that is struggling to spread the smell of gunpowder on our land from across the ocean,” Yo Jong said in the Rodong Sinmun, a state-run newspaper, according to BBC. “If it wants to sleep in peace for [the] coming four years, it had better refrain from causing a stink at its first step.”

These threats certainly fit the communist state’s stubborn aggression. But, this statement is nothing like the fax the nation sent South Korea in 2013. Yo Jong’s statement came just two days before U.S. intelligence assessed that North Korea is prepping for its first weapons test since Biden’s inauguration, as CNN reported last week.

Will Biden be re-elected in 2024?

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North Korea may not have simply thrown an empty threat, and while some argue the country tests weapons on every American regime change, they could very well become altercations within an instant, simply due to Biden’s ineptitude at efficiently solving an immigration crisis.

These threats, ideally, should serve as a wake-up call to the president. It’s extremely unlikely he’ll be able to win re-election with the innumerable crises on his doorstep. If he wants even a fraction of a chance at moving forward in the primaries alone, he’ll have to find a way to acknowledge and solve the border crisis, while guarding against America’s greatest adversaries.

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