Election Fraud

Patrick Byrne talks election fraud with Clay Clark – Brighteon.TV

Patrick Byrne talks election fraud with Clay Clark –
Brighteon.TV 1

(Natural News)
Entrepreneur and Overstock.com founder Patrick Byrne recently appeared on the Sept. 21 edition of Clay Clark’s “Thrive Time Show” (TTS) on Brighteon.tv. The businessman talked to Clark about the fraud during last year’s presidential elections alongside the audit being conducted in Maricopa County, Arizona. Byrne alleges during his quick interview that election fraud is not widespread, but “narrow and deep.”

Clark conveys the questions of many TTS viewers regarding election integrity. He asks: “Is there hope … [that we will] see election integrity?” The TTS host also asks Byrne to share his thoughts on election fraud to the show’s audience. Byrne responds by saying that the audit marks “a great moment in history.” He adds: “If you go back to [Nov. 10, 2020], I was out there publicly saying ‘This is an egg that cannot be unscrambled.”

According to Byrne, recommendations to open up ballot boxes in six locations have been floating around. However, he says malicious actors have perfect the “jiu-jitsu strategy” to flip entire counties and the Electoral College votes altogether. “They had figured out how to sort of ‘jiu-jitsu’ the Electoral College [votes] in six anchor counties,” Byrne adds.

The businessman cites Las Vegas – which holds 66 percent of the votes for the state of Nevada – as an example of this strategy. “[If] you really cheat in that one place, you’ll steal the whole state and the Electoral College – and that magnifies the effects [when done in multiple states], so you can flip the Electoral College and steal the nation,” Byrne says.

Byrne also mentions how election fraud is not widespread – a complete turnaround from what others claim. “The establishment guys are correct – it’s not widespread election fraud in 3,000 counties. It’s narrow and deep, and it turns out it’s more complicated than that. It turns our that they are doing other sophisticated things in other counties and the target states.” (Related: Overstock founder says he has proof election was rigged for Biden.)

Byrne also talks about the Maricopa County audit

Given the topic of election fraud, Byrne touches on the election audit at Maricopa County, Arizona. According to him, he initially recommends opening up ballot boxes from six places to find evidence of fraud – but in vain. “No one ever opened the ballot boxes until it took six or seven months just to get it done in Maricopa County,” Byrne comments.

Despite this setback, Byrne lauds the county’s efforts to conduct an actual audit instead of what he calls a “silly” one. In a normal audit, the voting machine is turned on as two buttons are held down. Once the machine turns on, it then launches a logic and accuracy test which indicates the machine is working correctly. A technician then writes down the version of the software installed in the voting machine, finishing the audit.

“This audit [in Maricopa County] is … going on the hard drives, they’re looking at the codes [and] seeing if there’s Trojan horses [or] access where there shouldn’t have been. So it’s really quite remarkable,” Byrne continues.

True enough, the audit yields substantial results – enough to confirm evidence of fraud in the county. A report by the Gateway Pundit says the audit finds 173,104 lost votes, which are discarded votes by actual people. It also finds 96,389 ghost votes where another person other than the voter casts the ballot.

Aside from Byrne, Brighteon.TV host Ann Vandersteel also touches on the subject in her show “Steel Truth.” She cites the Gateway Pundit report about the audit’s findings, adding: “There are American citizens living in Maricopa County who cast a vote primarily by mail in the election, and yet there’s no record of their vote with the county – and [those were] not counted in the reported vote totals for the election.”

Furthermore, Vandersteel notes that the “ghost votes” also include those verified to have moved away from the county before April 2020. “[There were clearly] more than enough votes to prove that were fake, stolen or what-have-you to overturn and decertify [the election results],” she says. (Related: Steel Truth: Arizona audit and Biden’s Bagram blunders – Brighteon.TV.)

Watch Clark’s full interview with Byrne on the “Thrive Time Show” here. “Thrive Time Show” with Clay Clark airs from Monday to Friday, 3:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern time on Brighteon.TV.

VoteFraud.news has more articles about the November 2020 election fraud and audits to uncover it.

Sources include:

Brighteon.com 1


Brighteon.com 2

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