Pence: We're fighting to protect election ballot integrity

Pence: We're fighting to protect election ballot
integrity 1

Vice President Mike Pence, along with members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, addresses his remarks at a coronavirus update briefing Wednesday, April 8, 2020, in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House. (Official White House photo by D. Myles Cullen)

Vice President Mike Pence said Friday that the Trump campaign is fighting to make sure every legal vote counts – and every illegal vote is thrown out – because of the importance of the integrity of the election ballot in America’s republic.

Pence was speaking at a college retreat for the Young America’s Foundation in Arlington, Virginia.

The campaign now is fighting in multiple states to have illegal votes rejected after the media projected Joe Biden the winner.

The battle, Pence said, also is “about preserving what we have accomplished and have yet to do, and it’s all about preventing the other side from undoing all the progress that we’ve made in making America great again.”

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“First and foremost, why we fight: It’s about protecting the integrity of the ballot. You know, men and women of YAF, I think you all know the right to vote is central to our republic. It has been defended by generations of American heroes in uniform. And any time that — that a fraudulent vote enters the ballot, it — it literally cancels the honest vote of an American — an honest vote that was won and fought for in generations of warfare by this country,” he said.

“And so we’re going to stand to preserve the integrity of the vote. We’re going to — we’re going to fight for an outcome in this election that wins us four more years. But we’re also going to fight to ensure that we respect the honest and legal vote of every American for this generation and the next. The American people deserve nothing less. I mean, you all know, the liberal media doesn’t get to pick our president; the American people do. And we’re going to make sure — we’re going to make sure that the American people’s choice prevails in this presidential election. So that’s first and foremost why we’re fighting right now.

“But we’re also fighting to preserve everything that we’ve accomplished. It really is amazing to think about what we have done in the last four years. And I say that with a little swirl of my hand because I picked that up off the president. I’ve lost count of the number of times that people would come into the Oval Office and say to the president, ‘Thank you for what you’ve done.’ And he would always — he gets his ha- — just, ‘We.’ I mean, this is a president that — that understands that everything that we’ve been able to accomplish, it’s because of the support of tens of millions of Americans who knew we could be strong again, who knew we could be prosperous again if we re-grounded our nation in all the ideals and principles that have always made America great.

“Think about it: Four years ago, we inherited a military that had been hollowed out by devastating budget cuts, an economy that was struggling to break out of the slowest recovery since the Great Depression. Terrorism was on the rise around the world. And — and, as you all know well, we witnessed a steady assault on our most cherished values and freedoms.

Is Trump’s election battle a matter of ballot integrity?

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“But under President Donald Trump, in four short years, we rebuilt our military; we restored the arsenal of democracy; we revived our economy, secured our border, supported law enforcement, and stood for life, liberty, and the Constitution of the United States of America.”

Further, the ISIS caliphate was taken down.

And the economy has been revived with an energy plan, free and fair trade deals, millions of new jobs and a renaissance for small businesses.

He also noted the 220 conservatives appointed to the judiciary and the significant advances for the pro-life movement.

“And as our election contest continues in courts across America, I want to promise you: We are going to keep fighting until every legal vote is counted and until every illegal vote is thrown out. And whatever the outcome at the end of the process, I promise you: We will never stop fighting to make America great again,” he said.


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