(Natural News) The Pennsylvania Department of Health (PDH) released new guidelines recently that warn residents against attending orgies during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) plandemic – not necessarily because the sex part is risky, mind you, but because some attendees might not be wearing a mask.
In the event that Pennsylvanians still decide to attend sex parties during ‘the national emergency,’ which the PDH says, “is a normal part of life” and to be expected, the best thing swingers can do to protect themselves is to mask up while doing the dirty, as this is the most effective way to avoid contracting or spreading the “coof.”
“During this extended public health emergency consider utilizing risk reduction strategies to protect your health and the health of your sex partner(s),” the PDH instructs.
Whenever meeting up with someone for sex who is “outside of your household,” the PDH suggests that the first topic of conversation be “COVID-19 risk factors” such as not being six feet apart from others at all times and not wearing a mask.
“Ask partners outside your home about COVID-19 status before you meet and engage in sex,” the guidelines further state. “Do they have symptoms, or have they had symptoms in the last 14 days? (Most people with COVID-19 have symptoms, but some people do not).”
The PDH also advises Pennsylvanians to ask their various sex partners if they have been “diagnosed with COVID-19 using a nasal swab (also known as a nose javelin) or saliva test.”
For more related news about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), be sure to check out Pandemic.news.
Make sure to wash your hands before and after group sex to cure COVID-19, says Pennsylvania
If you simply cannot help yourself and have to attend an orgy in Pennsylvania – or as the PDH puts it, “if you attend a large gathering where you might end up having sex – the public health agency advises that you limit the number of partners and try to identify “a consistent sex partner.”
No matter who you have sex with during the plandemic, always wear “a face covering,” the PDH says, and “avoid kissing.” Unless you wash your hands both before and after sex, the PDH also advises that sex party attendees do not touch their eyes, nose, or mouth.
“Wash your hands with soap and water often, and especially before and after sex,” the PDH further advises, suggesting that people take sex breaks to wash off any lingering virus. “If soap and water are not available use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.”
Those who normally meet their orgy partners online are being advised to “consider taking a break from in-person dates” and instead resort to “[v]ideo dates, sexting, subscription-based fan platforms, or chat rooms.”
Just in case people who actually read the PDH website missed it the first time, the public health agency reiterates towards the end to avoid kissing while having a sex party because “[k]issing can easily pass the virus.” The PDH also emphasizes a second time that wearing “a face covering or mask” is essential during an orgy.
Back in the summer, the Canadian government issued a similar directive telling Canadians who like to have random, anonymous sex to always wear a face covering when having sex with strangers.
“Men who believe they are women lecturing society on anything, let alone sexuality and health, is laughable,” wrote one Citizen Free Press commenter about Pennsylvania Health Secretary “Rachel Levine,” the nation’s first openly transgender public health secretary.
“There are and will only ever be two sexes, period,” wrote another, adding that a “science denier” like Levine “has no right to lecture us about anything.”
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