A Wednesday poll reveals 63 percent of voters say Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) must step down immediately, with only 52 percent of Democrats supporting the resignation, according to a Marist poll conducted Tuesday night.
Seventy-seven percent of Republicans believe the governor should step down.
If Cuomo does not resign, 59 percent believe the state legislature should impeach Cuomo, which includes 80 percent of Republicans and only 48 percent of Democrats.
Cuomo, who is fighting sexual harassment allegations by claiming he “never touched anyone inappropriately or made inappropriate sexual advances,” is presumably attempting to outlast public outrage.
Cuomo mounted his counterargument to the allegations Tuesday by releasing photos of him hugging politicians and politicians hugging people.
The photos were published in Cuomo’s 85-page written response in which former President Barack Obama is captured hugging failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton:
Gov. Cuomo has released an 85-page written response to the independent investigation, but it’s only 26 pages of text. Most of the rest is dozens of photos of him hugging people and other politicians hugging people: https://t.co/qjNW1idpOY pic.twitter.com/AmyfNpKzXG
— Brian M. Rosenthal (@brianmrosenthal) August 3, 2021
Another image shows Cuomo and President Joe Biden holding each other, while looking into each other’s eyes without masks.
New York voters responded to Cuomo’s defense Wednesday in a New York Times article; many of them calling for his resignation.
“I’ve had enough. I want him out of there,” an Albany resident Lee Fitzgerald said.
A small business owner Rob Lombardi told the New York City paper he would have voted for the Governor in the upcoming election but has since changed his mind. “How could I?” he asked. “I’ve got a daughter.”
A resident on the outskirts of Buffalo, Alanya Zuniga, stated she was “disappointed” in Cuomo and had previously tried to give him the benefit of the doubt.
“I am very disappointed. I was really trying not to prejudge the situation. I really tried to wait and see what happened,” she said, “because I do feel like he has done so much for New York State in terms of COVID. I was willing to give him more of the benefit of the doubt than I normally would with a public figure called out on his or her behavior.”
The poll had 614 respondents with a margin of error of 5.1 percent.