Pompeo: Venezuela Congressional Election ‘A Political Farce’

Pompeo: Venezuela Congressional Election ‘A Political
Farce’ 1

On Monday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo condemned Venezuela’s congressional election as “a political farce.”

“On December 6, the illegitimate Maduro regime in Venezuela staged a political farce intended to look like legislative elections. Fortunately, few were fooled,” Pompeo said in a statement.

“The United States, along with numerous other democracies around the world, condemns this charade which failed to meet any minimum standard of credibility.”

Venezuela’s National Electoral Council declared on Dec. 6 that the current dictator Nicolas Maduro’s United Socialist Party of Venezuela and allied parties won 67 percent of the seats in the National Assembly. Juan Guaidó, former president of the National Assembly and Interim President of Venezuela as recognized by the United States, boycotted the election along with other opposition leaders.

“Although I cannot promise a magic solution today, I can tell you with certainty and security: You are not alone. We will not give up,” Guaidó said in a video message. “We are going to give everything until we win.”

President Donald Trump officially recognized Guaidó as the Interim President of Venezuela on Jan. 23, 2019.

Maduro claimed he won a second six-year term in the 2018 presidential election. The United States, the European Union, Lima, and the Organization of American States all rejected the election results, while China, Russia, and others recognized Maduro’s victory.

“Maduro brazenly rigged these elections in his favor through the illegal seizure of political parties’ names and ballot logos, manipulation of the process by his loyalist electoral council, violence and intimidation, and other undemocratic tactics.” Pompeo continued in his statement.

Pompeo declared that the United States would continue to recognize Interim President Guaidó and the legitimate National Assembly.

“Neither Maduro nor a new, fraudulently elected National Assembly will represent the legitimate voice of the Venezuelan people, which should be expressed through free and fair presidential elections,” Pompeo concluded.

Pompeo also wrote on Twitter that Venezuela’s election was “a fraud and a sham, not an election.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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