President Trump Releases New Statement on Big Media Discounting 2020 Election Fraud

President Trump Releases New Statement on Big Media
Discounting 2020 Election Fraud 1

President Trump Makes a statement about voter fraud.

Andrew Solender, a reporter at Forbes, released this statement from President Trump from yesterday regarding the 2020 election:

This reporter makes a snarky remark showing his liberal bias, but he did share President Trump’s statement:

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President Trump is correct. Americans know the 2020 election was stolen from President Trump.  For example, still today there are over 400,000 absentee ballots in Georgia that were included in the 2020 election which have no legally required chain of custody documentation with them – they should have been thrown out and no doubt a huge percent of these are for Biden:

UPDATE: Four Months After the 2020 Election in Georgia, Over 400,000 Absentee Ballots are Missing Legally Required Chain of Custody Documentation, Yet Biden Was Given the State by 12,000 Votes

Yes, there was fraud.  There was lots and lots and lots of fraud.

Read the Full Article

Election Fraud
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