(Natural News) Phil Kline of Team Trump has dropped another bombshell about Facebook’s treasonous efforts to direct the outcome of the 2020 election.
In addition to forking over cash to the media and various far-left “third party” organizations like Rock the Vote that were given exclusive front door access to private voter rolls, Facebook also funneled money directly to local governments, including Fulton County, Georgia, where massive voter fraud took place.
These private grants, Kline warns, are illegal because they circumvented state legislatures, which are in charge of authorizing all election activity in their respective states.
“Fulton County officials illegally accepted more than $6 million in private grants that imposed conditions on the conduct of elections without authority from the state legislature,” Kline tweeted on Dec. 6.
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Data experts have also uncovered evidence showing that as many as 200,000 votes were either illegally cast or not counted in Georgia which, if accounted for, would easily overcome Joe Biden’s current 10,000 vote “lead” in the state and deliver a victory to President Donald Trump.
“Data experts put the total number of illegal votes counted and legal votes not counted at more than 200,000, far greater than the margin separating Joe Biden and Donald Trump in the state,” Kline further wrote.
In exchange for placing drop ballot boxes all around the county, Facebook awarded Fulton County that $6 million lump sum, epitomizing the type of fascism that leftists claim to oppose.
“The #AmistadProject filed a law suit in Georgia because Fulton county accepted a 6.3 million grant donated from Mark Zuckerberg funneled thru a special interest group ‘Center For Tech and Civic Life’ (CTCL),” tweeted Bruce LeVell.
For more related news about the fraudulent election, visit Trump.news.
Facebook also facilitated election fraud in South Carolina
Non-swing states like South Carolina also received bribery money from Facebook. A conservative law group recently filed legal challenges against local elections offices in Charleston and Richland counties for accepting cash from the tech giant in violation of the law.
The South Carolina Voter’s Alliance, as it is called, alleges that the $1.4 million that state elections officials took from Facebook via CTCL is a federal crime worthy of prosecution.
“The Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, the nonprofit law group behind the litigation, has filed similar lawsuits in a number of swing states and states with hotly contested U.S. congressional races, including Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Texas,” reports further explain.
“The suits are part of a self-described ‘campaign to block cities and counties from the alleged misuse of $250 million donated by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg … to influence the outcome’ of the November election.”
Taking money from a private corporation and using it to fund election-related activities without approval from the state legislature is fascism, or what the politically correct like to call a “public-private partnership.” Whatever you call it, such activity is illegal and constitutionally impermissible.
Zuckerberg is clearly guilty of treason, the penalty of which is death by hanging. The question remains: Will patriotic Americans demand that Zuckerberg et al. be dealt with in accordance with the law?
“Zuckerberg needs to be rounded up by the military, sent to Gitmo, tried and sent to the gallows for treason,” wrote one commenter at The Gateway Pundit.
“All the Big Tech executives should be rounded up,” wrote another, echoing the sentiments of many others who are tired of watching these career criminals get away with proverbial murder while continuing to roam free.
Attorney Sidney Powell could use your help in uncovering more election fraud and prosecuting it to the full extent of the law. You can support her efforts by visiting her website.
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