Republican Flips State Senate Seat in District Biden Won by 25 Points in Connecticut Special Election

Republican Flips State Senate Seat in District Biden Won by
25 Points in Connecticut Special Election 1

Republicans flipped a Connecticut state senate seat in a district Joe Biden won by 25 points in Tuesday night’s special election.

Republican Ryan Fazio defeated Democrat Alex Gevanter Tuesday night in Greenwich, Stamford and New Canaan.

“State Republicans tonight delivered the first flip of a state legislative seat in a special election by either party in 2021, as Republican Ryan Fazio defeated liberal Democrat Alex Gevanter in Connecticut’s state Senate District 36 – a district Joe Biden won by more than 25% in 2020.” – The Republican State Leadership Committee announced Tuesday night.

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Democrat Alex Gevanter conceded last night.

Despite what the liars in the mainstream media say, the country is not on board with the Democrat-Marxist agenda.

With real election integrity, voter ID and limited absentee ballot voting, Democrats will lose in 2022.

In June, Republicans flipped a Mayorship of McAllen, Texas.

McAllen is a major border town of 140,000 and 85% Hispanic.

Recall, Hillary Clinton won Hidalgo County by 40% in 2016 and Joe Biden won it by 17 points in the 2020 election.

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