
Revealed: Mentor of Georgia US Senate candidate called for “destruction of everything white”

Revealed: Mentor of Georgia US Senate candidate called for
“destruction of everything white” 1

ATLANTA, GA- One would think that someone bearing the title of “Reverend” might actually have some Christian blood flowing through their veins.

Clearly, as we have seen with the phony “reverend” Al Sharpton, that isn’t always the case. Now we have a candidate for the United States Senate in Georgia, Rev. Raphael Warnock, who should have some explaining to do, especially to possible white constituents.

Warnock will be running against Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler in January for one of two Georgia senate seats due for runoffs.

Either of those seats will decide whether or not Republicans retain the majority in the Senate or if the Democrats take over what could potentially be a stranglehold on federal governance. God help us.

Warnock’s spiritual mentor, according to the Washington Free Beacon is a man named Dr. James Hal Cone, who Warnock has described as a “poignant and powerful voice” of high “spiritual magnitude.”

That magnitude however does not extend to white people. Cone has made statements in the past where he called white Christians “satanic” and advocated for the “destruction of everything white” in society. Sounds like a good guy.

Cone served as Warnock’s academic adviser at the Union Theological Seminary and has been described as his “mentor.”

Of course, Cone isn’t the only anti-white “reverend” that Warnock admires and looks up to. He has also been tied to Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who if you’re not familiar was also a spiritual mentor to Barack Obama.

Wright famously gave a speech in 2008 in which he said “God Damn America,” which Obama actually found some intestinal fortitude to condemn, calling it offensive. Warnock came to the defense publicly of Wright, which has drawn scrutiny to his campaign.

In the speech, Wright compared the United States to al Qaeda, while also accusing the U.S. government of creating the HIV virus to perpetrate genocide against minorities.  

Wright has also praised Cone’s work for inspiring his religious philosophy.

In a book he wrote in 2013, and later in a 2018 eulogy, Warnock showed open admiration for Cone, saying, “How blessed we are that someone of the spiritual magnitude and power and commitment of Dr. James Hal Cone passed our way,” Warnock said in the eulogy.

In a 1970 book, A Black Theology of Liberation,” Cone, considered the “father of black theology,” revealed his controversial views.

He said that “American white theology is a theology of the Antichrist” and thus advocated for a new “black theology” which would bring about a revolution to eradicate whiteness from society.

“There will be no peace in America until white people begin to hate their whiteness, asking from the depths of their being: ‘How can we become black?’” Cone wrote.

Sounds like he would fit right in with the white guilt being felt among the social justice warrior crowd.

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Warnock wrote a book in 2013, The Divided Mind of the Black Church,” in which he cited Cone’s book over a dozen times in various footnotes and chapters of the book.

Among Cone’s philosophies is that white people worship a false “white God” and follow an anti-Christian “white theology.” He wrote that in reality, “God is black” and “has nothing to do with the God worshiped in white churches.”

“The white God is an idol created by racists, and we blacks must perform the iconoclastic task of smashing false idols,” Cone wrote. “White religionists are not capable of perceiving the blackness of God, because their satanic whiteness is a denial of the very essence of divinity.”

The purpose of black theology, Cone wrote, is “the destruction of everything white.”

“If there is one brutal fact that the centuries of white oppression have taught blacks, it is that whites are incapable of making any valid judgements about human existence,” Cone wrote.

“The goal of black theology is the destruction of everything white, so that blacks can be liberated from alien gods.”

Oh, it gets worse if you can believe it. He says that in order for any theology to be “truly Christian,” it must “[deny] whiteness as a proper form of human existence and [affirm] blackness as God’s intention for humanity.”

He also said that violence is a necessary means to overthrow American society, and he described American society as systemically racist.

“With the assurance that God is on our side, we can begin to make ready for the inevitable—the decisive encounter between white and black existence.

White appeals to ‘wait and talk it over’ are irrelevant when children are dying and men and women are being tortured,” he wrote.

“We will not let whitey cool this one with his pious love ethic but will seek to enhance our hostility, bringing it to its full manifestation.”

In another portion of the book, he wrote:

“We have reached our limit of tolerance, and if it means death with dignity, or life with humiliations, we choose the former. And if that is the choice, we will take out some honkies with us.”

Warnock has not condemned Cone’s words, but rather has embraced them.

Warnock has other issues that he needs to address as well. The Free Beacon also reported that in March 2019, he signed a letter which criticized Israel’s actions on the West Bank and compared them to South Africa during apartheid, as reported in the Jewish Insider.

The letter said that by controlling the West Bank, Israel “borrowed and perfected from other previous oppressive regimes” the “ever-present physical walls,” calling them “reminiscent of the Berlin Wall,” while calling the militarization of the West Bank by Israel as being similar to “the military occupation of Namibia by apartheid South Africa.”

Warnock’s campaign spokesman defending his signing the letter to Jewish Insider.

“Reverend Warnock has deep respect for the invaluable relationship the United States has with Israel and how Georgia continues to benefit from that friendship,” said the spokesman Terrence Clark.

“The reservations he has expressed about settlement activity do not change his strong support for Israel and belief in its security—which is exactly why he opposes ending direct military aid to such a strong ally.”

Senator Loeffler’s campaign does not agree with that assessment.

“Raphael Warnock has a history of anti-Israel positions, from embracing anti-Zionist Black Lives Matter and defending anti-Semitic comments made by Rev. Jeremiah Wright to calling Israel an ‘oppressive regime’ for fighting back against terrorism,” Loeffler spokesman Stephen Lawson said.

Jeremiah Wright is appears to be a clear anti-Semite and Warnock’s unadulterated support for him is raising questions as to whether or not he too possesses that same philosophy.

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Warnock was asked about his support for Wright, and would only say, “I’m not an anti-Semite.”


The two Senate races in Georgia promise to draw national attention (and money) in order to decide control of the Senate. If Biden is able to prevail in his presidential contest against President Trump, Democrats would have control of both chambers of Congress as well as the White House, which spells trouble for liberty and freedom.

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