Romney on Trump’s Claims Election Was Stolen: 'There’s Not Evidence of That'

Romney on Trump’s Claims Election Was Stolen: 'There’s Not
Evidence of That' 1

Senator Mitt Romney (R- UT) said Monday on CNBC’s “The News” that there was no evidence to back President Donald Trump’s claims the 2020 presidential election was stolen for President-elect Joe Biden.

Addressing Attorney General William Barr’s resignation, Smith said, “He’s claiming fraud, senator, and there’s no evidence of it. Bill Barr didn’t go along with it, and now he’s out.”

Romney said, “Yeah, well, Bill Barr drew the line. I credit him with once you draw the line, if someone steps over it, you say ‘Okay, that’s the consequence.’ So he’s leaving.”

Smith asked, “How much damage is the president doing to democracy trying to overturn the will of the people?”

Romney said, “The biggest concern that I have is that people here genuinely believe that somehow this election was stolen, and there’s not evidence of that. The president was saying it was stolen even before election day happened! He said if he loses, it would be fraud. Well, no one knows that. I thought I was going to win too when I ran for president in 2012. I didn’t. I didn’t go out and say fraud. We have a process. We count the votes. That’s the way it is.”

He added, “I’m concerned that the cause of democracy here as well as around the world — people look to us. We’re the democratic leader of the world. What’s going on now, I’m afraid, is terribly dispiriting to people all around the globe.”

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