A study found the votes Joe Biden received from noncitizens impacted the results of the presidential elections in Georgia and Arizona.
The study by Just Facts, a nonprofit research institute, examined returns from Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. the Washington Times reported.
The analysis by Just Facts and its president, James D. Agresti, compared U.S. Census numbers on noncitizens — about 21.7 million — with each battleground state’s demographics and election results.
Agresti then applied previous election polling of noncitizens.
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“The 2008-13 surveys show that a significant number of noncitizens register to vote and cast ballots, despite a federal law against it, and overwhelmingly vote for Democrats,” the Times reported.
The New Jersey-based Just Facts concluded that thousands of “extra” noncitizen votes went to Biden.
That was enough to flip Arizona (plus 51,081) and Georgia (plus 54,950), he found. But it was not sufficient to flip the election.
“This is just one kind of fraud. It’s a sizable number, which is the point,” Agresti told the Times. “It also decimates the predominant narrative that there is no evidence of large-scale fraud in U.S. elections.”
The Times said Agresti noted that Democrats, in effect, offer “inducements to undocumented immigrants to break the law.”
“In the election cycle, various Democratic presidential candidates promised free health care, citizenship, open borders, no deportations and sanctuary cities.”
Also, Democrats over the years have sued to block enforcement of noncitizen voting bans.
“A wealth of facts show that there are ample openings for noncitizens to illegally vote and that roughly 16% of them voted in the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections,” the study found.
The Times reported conservatives have accused former President Barack Obama of giving the green light to fraud right before the 2016 election, when he was asked if undocumented immigrants would be deported if they voted.
He insisted those who vote “are” citizens and there was no need of an investigation.
The Times said evidence from 2008 to 2013 seems to confirm that substantial numbers of noncitizens vote.
For example, a 2012 Harvard/YouGov survey found that 14% of self-identified noncitizens said they were registered to vote and 9% said they “definitely” voted.
Of those, 80% said they voted for Obama, which amounted to millions of votes.