Supremes rejected Texas election case because Washington 'wants to get rid of Donald Trump'

Supremes rejected Texas election case because Washington
'wants to get rid of Donald Trump' 1

Air Force One is seen Saturday evening, Dec. 12, 2020, on the fog-shrouded tarmac at Steward International Airport in Orange County, New York, after President Donald J. Trump attended the Army-Navy football game nearby at the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, New York. (Official White House photo by Joyce N. Boghosian)

The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear a lawsuit brought by the state of Texas – and joined by nearly two dozen more – against four swing states where there was evidence of 2020 presidential election fraud – simply because the Washington establishment wants to get rid of President Donald Trump.

That’s according to talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh.

Trump, in fact, tore into both the opposition Democrats and his own Republican Party multiple times over his four years of his first term.

He had campaigned on cleaning out the “Deep State” swamp and he made enough progress to infuriate those on all sides of politics in the Washington establishment.

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The Texas case was brought based on evidence that the presidential elections in several swing states were fraudulent – and that actually hurt those who legitimately cast valid ballots in Texas, and other states.

The high court simply refused to hear the case, claiming Texas “lacked standing,” but it didn’t explain how votes in other states could be isolated completely from the rest of the national election, so that if there was fraud there, it would have no impact anywhere else.

Limbaugh was asked Tuesday whether it is just plain impossible to bring an election lawsuit.

“No, I don’t think that’s what [they are] saying because if it’s a case they wanted to take, they would take it. You know, a friend of mine sent me a note after the Supreme Court refused to hear the Texas case. And the note is, ‘Supreme Court just said that a state that cheats in a national election, which screws everybody in the nation, is the only entity that’s allowed to do anything about it? It’s asinine. It’s like saying the only person who can prosecute a murder is the murderer.'”

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He continued, “His point is the Supreme Court said we cannot allow one state to start suing other states because it would soon be out of control and so forth. I think there’s a common denominator in all this that people — I mean you know this, but you may not have put it in your equation.

“This is strictly about getting rid of Donald Trump. There isn’t an entity in the American Deep State, Washington establishment, whatever, that doesn’t want to get rid of Donald Trump, including enough justices on the Supreme Court,” he said.

“The bottom line is that this is the best chance they’ve ever had to get rid of Trump and they’re not gonna hear these cases. They want him gone. It’s no more — in my humble estimation — no more complicated than that. The precedents that are being set, precedents are made to be broken. Supreme Court can break any precedent it wants any time it wants down the line, depending on if they get a case that they want to hear, if they get a case that they want to decide,” Limbaugh said.


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