Ted Cruz Offers to Present Argument Before Supreme Court in Pennsylvania Election Lawsuit

Ted Cruz Offers to Present Argument Before Supreme Court in
Pennsylvania Election Lawsuit 1

Texas Senator Ted Cruz is offering to personally present oral arguments to the Supreme Court in a lawsuit challenging the legality of mass mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania’s presidential, should SCOTUS grant certiorari to the case.

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Pennsylvania Republican Mike Kelly, along with candidates Sean Parnell and Wanda Logan, have sued the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for pervasive election irregularities and implementation of mass-mail ballot practices that violate state law. Pennsylvania postal workers were caught delivering ballots to election centers after the date of the election, and more than 100,000 ballots that were counted in the election have questionable postmark dating.

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf unilaterally ordered the commonwealth’s election officials to accept the late ballots, a decision that was upheld by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Pennsylvania has never conducted a mass mail-in election before, utilizing novel practices devised in months in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

A number of Pennsylvania state legislators have vowed to oppose the final certification of election results in the state, citing election misconduct. Officials may have broken more laws in the commonwealth than in any state in the country.

Cruz has considerable experience arguing before the Supreme Court as Texas’ Solicitor General, arguing before the highest court in the land a total of nine times. The Texas Senator stated that the Supreme Court would have to resolve issues of pervasive election irregularities in Pennsylvania in order to heal the acrimonious political atmosphere in the United States.

It’s possible Cruz may vote against the certification of the electors of the electoral college in January. Alabama’s Mo Brooks has already pledged to vote against a state’s slate of electors in the House of Representatives.

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