Texas’ Brian Babin Introduces “You Must Be Alive to Vote Act,” Defunding Counties That Don’t Verify Voter Lists

Texas’ Brian Babin Introduces “You Must Be Alive to Vote
Act,” Defunding Counties That Don’t Verify Voter Lists 1

As the truth of the election steal becomes more obvious, the fraud deniers are aggressively touting two days – the “safe harbor” deadline of Dec. 8 and the vote by the electors on Dec. 14 – as deadlines that prevent a proper investigation from taking place.

Former Kansas attorney general Phillip Kline, who now works as the Director for the Thomas More Society’s Amistad Project, is noting that there is only one Constitutional deadline that matters and it is the date of the inauguration:

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Additionally, the Amistad Project has released a white paper about the history of the electoral college to make his point with documented facts and consequential research.

“Through rigorous investigations supporting our litigation, we demonstrate that state and local officials brazenly violated election laws in several swing states in order to advance a partisan political agenda,” said Kline.

“As a result, it is impossible for those states to determine their presidential Electors in line with the arbitrary deadline set forth via federal statute in 1948, and thus, the only deadline that matters is January 20, 2021,” he added.

According to Kline’s exhaustive analysis, there is nothing in the law that requires electors to be designated by Dec. 8 in order to be counted. Representatives elected by the people will ultimately be able to put forth electors at their discretion until Noon on Jan. 20, 2021. Fraud deniers are attempting to obfuscate the truth of the matter to enforce the vote steal.

This could be the way to reverse the ongoing color revolution coup to oust President Donald Trump that intends to permanently replace the U.S. Republic with a globalist technocracy, which has been covered extensively by Big League Politics:

Political advisor and former Trump speechwriter Darren Beattie appeared on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on Tuesday to explain what is happening to President Donald Trump.

Beattie told Carlson that the globalist elites are fomenting a “color revolution” to remove Trump from office regardless of the election results in November. This is something the deep state does to foment regime change, usually in Eastern Europe, but this time they are running the familiar model in America against Trump.

“Many have described the actions taken against Trump as a coup, and this is certainly correct, but it’s a little bit general and vague. What’s unfolding before our eyes if a very specific type of coup called the color revolution,” Beattie explained.

“It has several characteristics but the chief characteristics of it is the combination of an engineered contested election scenario combined with massive mobilized protests,” he added.

Beattle explained to Carlson that there are actors in the state department who are experts in color revolution working against Trump. These individuals have not been purged despite extremely disloyal behavior against the president. He pointed to Brookings Institution senior fellow Norm Eisen, who Beattie claims serves as a”nexus point between lawfare and mass mobilization.”

“He’s been behind over 180 lawsuits against Trump. He authored 10 articles of impeachment before the president’s phone call [with Ukraine] was even made. He was special counsel for Democrats for the impeachment process. He was literally involved in every aspect of this color revolution against Trump,” Beattle said, explaining that Eisen is going “to use lawfare in order to overturn the 2020 election.”

No excuse can be accepted to prevent the vote steal from being overturned. Republicans who refuse to exercise their powers to stop Democrat fraud must be considered guilty as co-conspirators.

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