Election Fraud

The biggest election fraud of all

The biggest election fraud of all 1

President Donald J. Trump speaks with reporters following his
conversations with military service personnel Thursday, Nov. 26,
2020, during a Thanksgiving video conference call from the
Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House. (Official White House
photo by Shealah Craighead)

With time rapidly running out for the Trump legal team to
challenge the rampant election fraud that has characterized the
most corrupt presidential contest of our lifetimes, it’s easy to
lose sight of the other massive fraud that preceded,
encouraged, enabled and excused the freakshow election Americans
are being forced to endure.

And that’s the massive fraud that has been perpetrated by the
American “news media,” which in reality is almost entirely a
Pravda-type propaganda ministry for the Biden-Harris campaign.

That’s right. Pravda is a perfect descriptor for the American
“news media.” Remember the famous joke in the dark days of the
former Soviet Union? “There is no truth in Pravda and no news in
Izvestia” – Pravda meaning “truth” and Izvestia meaning

The sole purpose of those two giant propaganda mills disguised
as journalism organizations was to guard, protect, lie for and
defend at all costs the corrupt, elite ruling class in charge of
the 20th century’s most destructive totalitarian regime.

Ironically, here in America – the nation that, under Ronald
Reagan, defeated the Soviet Union – in 2020 virtually the entire
“mainstream media” serves precisely the same purpose as Pravda
and Izvestia once did: To protect, defend, and lie day in and day
out to preserve this nation’s corrupt, elite ruling class. That
includes the newly radicalized Democratic Party, the permanent
government bureaucracy called the “deep state,” and even
today’s often-violent neo-Marxist political and cultural
juggernaut obsessed with tearing down and transforming what they
all condemn as an unjust, immoral and racist country.

Thus, the hallmark of America’s establishment media has become
an unwavering commitment to the increasingly radical
progressive-left narrative – as diametrically opposed to
truth – on every issue.

That means a refusal to report monumentally consequential news
if doing so would undermine the left’s favored narrative. It
means the total abandonment of basic fairness, evenhandedness and
honesty in news coverage. And it means the demonization of everyone
and everything that doesn’t support their progressive worldview
– especially its all-out, four-year war on President Donald

Let’s quickly review a few of the main battlegrounds:

* Millions of Americans wonder aloud how it’s even possible
that someone like Joe Biden – who not only is obviously
disintegrating mentally, is wrong on virtually every issue, and
lies continually, but also, as recent but largely suppressed
evidence proves, is one of the most spectacularly corrupt
politicians in modern American history – could become the
Democratic Party’s presidential candidate, let alone become
leader of the free world.

* Likewise with regard to his vice-presidential candidate,
Kamala Harris, who will soon become president if the Biden ticket
ultimately wins, as Biden inevitably fades further and fails. In
addition to being the most leftwing member of the U.S.
Senate, as the nonpartisan
GovTrack.us determined in 2019,
Harris has also proven to be
one of the most thoroughly unlikable, abrasive, condescending,
greedy, grasping, shallow and insincere candidates in a

* Many Americans who don’t pay much attention to politics rely
on the candidate debates held during the election season’s
homestretch to help them with their voting decisions. So, how is it
that the journalist-moderators always side with the Democrat
while attempting to trip up and defame the Republican? When Kamala
Harris insisted during the vice-presidential debate that both she
and Joe Biden favor oil and gas fracking – even though multiple
current videos show them both swearing up and down that they will
completely abolish it – she somehow mysteriously got away with
telling a giant lie, one of many, to millions of American voters.
Throughout the campaign, Joe Biden was regularly served up tenderly
prepared non-confrontational questions such as one might pose to a
child, never challenged with a real question about either his
dismal record or his astonishing corruption. Donald Trump,
meanwhile, was repeatedly hammered with defamatory accusations
disguised as questions (Will you finally, tonight, denounce
“white supremacy?”
) Indeed, the sitting president of the
United States, who rescued the nation’s economy and destroyed
ISIS, has since early 2016 been repeatedly
compared by major U.S. news organizations to genocidal monster
Adolf Hitler.

* As openly Marxist revolutionary groups like Black Lives Matter
and Antifa burned, vandalized and looted America’s cities day
after day, month after month, destroying businesses, assaulting and
sometimes murdering people, today’s journalists routinely
dismissed it all as “mostly peaceful protests” against
“systemic racism” and “police brutality” – while
complaining loudly that America is actually under siege by
“white supremacists.” Those who dare point out that it’s
really hard to find many genuine “white supremacists” in
today’s America, let alone rampaging hordes of them laying waste
to the nation’s cities, are of course immediately condemned as
white supremacists.

* Ever since explosive documentary proof finally emerged
Hillary Clinton was the person behind the Trump-Russia collusion
the media have ignored the true story of the worst
political scandal in American history: It was Clinton, not Trump,
who actually colluded with Russia; it was she who bought Russia’s
intelligence product (the fake “Trump dossier”) and then
channeled the false, defamatory “intel” through cooperative
American news organizations.

This, by the way, precisely mirrors the modus operandi of
Soviet disinformation campaigns of yesteryear: Carefully create a
false narrative to advance a secret agenda, and then induce trusted
Western media to broadcast the disinformation as “news.”

Think of it: Hillary Clinton literally fomented a four-year
attempted coup d’etat against Donald Trump, to whom she had lost
the 2016 election, seriously interfering with and undermining his
presidency. Why? To divert FBI and DOJ attention away from her own
criminal wrongdoing – illegally deleting 33,000 emails after they
were subpoenaed, a serious felony for which anyone else would be
prosecuted and imprisoned. Yet the media, after front-paging the
Trump-Russia collusion story virtually every day for years, simply
moved on once their big story was proven to be the greatest
political hoax in U.S. history. No apologies – none.

* Indeed, many of the top-tier deep-state conspirators that
engineered the Trump-Russia collusion hoax actually joined
today’s media.That’s right. In their post-Obama careers, former
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA
Director John Brennan, former FBI Director James Comey and former
FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe became either paid cable news
analysts or frequent commentators.

* As historian
Victor Davis Hanson explained:
“Clapper is a CNN security
analyst. Brennan was hired by MSNBC for a similar role. McCabe is a
CNN contributor. Comey often makes guest appearances on news
programs. In the most controversial stories, Brennan, Clapper and
McCabe are being paid to analyze theories, facts and findings in
which they themselves are often central players. As a guest
commentator, Comey has weighed in on these controversies even as he
distorts his past roles in them.”

And remember disgraced FBI agent Lisa Page (who conspired
against Trump with her paramour, Peter Strzok, leader of the FBI’s
phony investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a personal email
server and later a leading figure in the Russia-collusion hoax)?
Page became the new national security and legal analyst at NBC

* So desperate has much of today’s “news coverage” become
that it often crosses the line into total drooling absurdity –
like the CNN analyst who claimed that “Russian agents” were
there in Walter Reed National Military Medical Center with
President Trump when he was being treated for COVID-19. The media
also recently accused Donald Trump, the most pro-military,
pro-veteran president in a generation, of hating and mocking war
heroes – a slanderous allegation both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
have continually repeated. A subsequent “news report” from the
same source, The Atlantic, claimed that Trump secretly hates and
mocks Christians too.

* Meanwhile, the promised Biden-Harris agenda – from virtual
open borders and mass amnesty, to the confiscation of “assault
weapons” (otherwise known as semiautomatic firearms), to the
demented Green New Deal, to fundamentally altering America’s
constitutional system of government by “packing” the Supreme
Court, eliminating the Senate filibuster, abolishing the Electoral
College and more – would rapidly lead to a totalitarian
dictatorship in the United States of America.

‘Money and power’

Why has the “mainstream media” morphed into what undercover
journalist James O’Keefe described in the title of his 2018 book
as “American Pravda”?

The most obvious factor is ideology; the media have been
overwhelmingly liberal-left for at least the last two generations.
The landmark 1986 study titled “The Media Elite: America’s New
Powerbrokers” by researchers S. Robert Lichter, Stanley Rothman
and Linda Lichter confirmed that the vast majority of major U.S.
media personalities were far more leftwing and secular in outlook
than most Americans. The trend has only become more extreme since

In fact, far from valuing objectivity and fairness, the media
has become a magnet for activists in recent decades. In the 1990s,
when the LGBT movement (then called “gay rights”) was really
taking off, many young gay and lesbian college students gravitated
to journalism, not so much because they were interested in the
pursuit of truth or informing the public, but to champion and
advance their cause.

But there’s much more than ideology and activism at play.
There’s money and power.

Consider why MSNBC switched its format several years ago, from
featuring both liberals and conservatives in its show line-up.
After all, arch-conservatives Michael Savage and Alan Keyes both
had their own MSNBC shows. Even Tucker Carlson hosted “The
Situation with Tucker Carlson” on MSNBC from 2005 to 2008. (I
remember being a guest on that show.) Yet today, the entire MSNBC
lineup consists of hair-on-fire radical left-wingers. Why?

MSNBC’s top brass determined it would make more money if it
served the far left. In a story headlined
“MSNBC as Fox’s Liberal Evil Twin,”
the New York Times
reported in 2012: “MSNBC has pumped up its ratings by recasting
itself as a left-leaning riposte to Fox.” It’s all about

However, the financial dynamics get much worse:
U.S.-headquartered multinational corporations have come to depend
on China, both for its huge retail market and the super-cheap
(sometimes slave) labor it offers. This exerts a major influence on
American media coverage. Remember, journalism is a business, and
the “mainstream” news organizations are all owned by gigantic
companies. AT&T owns CNN; Comcast owns NBC, CNBC and MSNBC;
Disney owns ABC and ESPN; ViacomCBS owns CBS. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos
owns the Washington Post. And all have huge stakes in

That might help explain why, for example, media coverage of
China’s role in the coronavirus pandemic is so bizarrely absent.
Credible reports from courageous Chinese virologists and other
experts with intimate knowledge of the origins of the 2
(SARS-CoV-2) virus, who claim China intentionally created the virus
in a lab, are ignored or dismissed as insane “conspiracy
theories” and banned from social media platforms in the U.S. News
organizations cannot afford to offend their parent companies’
most important international partner – even if it is run by a
brutal, soulless, communist regime obsessed with ruling the

When news publications are owned by giant corporations with
their fingers in many pies and even links to adversary foreign
governments, reporters quickly learn – explicitly or through
“osmosis” – of the bias, sensibilities and financial
interests of their publishers or owners. And they play their tune

‘A massive realignment’

One final factor that makes all these various elements come
together to create a biased, blind, amoral, dishonest, but yet
strangely self-righteous press: Hate.

Members of the establishment media tend to revile Donald Trump
for being a genuine outsider who dared to invade their beloved
realm – known as “the swamp” to outsiders – and for his
promise to “drain” it of the monumental corruption,
self-dealing and privilege that comprise life within the swamp. The
media also hate him for championing a strongly
conservative-Christian agenda – for example, appointing
conservative Supreme Court justices who threaten their beloved
abortion-on-demand culture. And of course, they detest Trump for
publicly and continually exposing them for exactly what they

Hate is much more than it seems. It’s a transformative emotion
that almost magically enables people to be horrendously wrong, yet
to feel they are right – even supremely righteous and virtuous
(for example, the mobs burning down America’s cities). In that
“altered state,” down appears to be up, immoral seems moral
and, most basically, evil masquerades as good.

Toward the end of my 2005 book “The Marketing of Evil,” I
write: “Over the past few decades no institution has been more
culpable for making evil appear good and good appear evil than the
media.” That is true today more than ever.

For years Sean Hannity has said, “Journalism died in 2008,”
keying off the absurdly biased coverage – more like deification
– of then presidential candidate Barack Obama by the fawning,
star-struck news media.

That’s right, Sean, the media died. But they’ve returned as
the walking dead – ghoulish parodies of living, breathing, honest

Tucker Carlson gave this prophetic warning on his Fox News show
just days before the 2020 presidential election, reflecting on the
news media’s atrocious pre-election bias and total abandonment of
even their former pretense of objectivity:

“The good news about all of this: It is so bad and so
transparent that it can’t continue. All their stupid little
morning shows, and their dumb Sunday shows and their even dumber
cable shows. All of that’s going away. When the smoke clears from
this election, there’ll be a massive realignment in the media, no
matter who wins. Because they showed who they are, and it’s so
unappealing, it’s so far from journalism that it can’t

The biggest election fraud of all 2

Editor’s note: To explore this subject more deeply,
see the current issue of WND’s acclaimed Whistleblower magazine,
edited monthly by David Kupelian, titled
“GUARDIANS OF THE SWAMP: How angry, entitled and shockingly
dishonest ‘journalists’ are destroying America.”
issue is also available in
state-of-the-art digital form.
(print edition) and get 12 fantastic issues
or else

The post The biggest
election fraud of all
appeared first on WND.

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