Editor’s Note: Activist Post does not endorse
any candidate for president or any other political office. This
article is presented for informational purposes only and all
opinions are the author’s alone.
Data reveals Dominion products were to blame for the
infamous vote flip that occurred in Antrim, Michigan. Under oath,
the CEO denied all claims. What’s next?
“A determined campaign has the opportunity to contest the
election into January 2021. We anticipate lawsuits, divergent media
narratives, attempts to stop the counting of ballots, and protests
drawing people from both sides.”� ~
Transition Integrity Project (TIP)
Please follow Maryam Henein on Twitter @maryamhenein
you can support her work on
The above statement was written back in June 2020 as part of a
tabletop exercise called The Transition Integrity Project
(TIP), where a bipartisan group of over 100 current and former
senior government and campaign leaders convened in a series of
election crisis scenario planning exercises. Consider it the Event
201 of the electoral process, very telling and worth the read.
Their results were not only ‘alarming’ but properly anticipated
chaos in the legal and political landscape. Wow, what fortune
tellers. How did they know?
Dominion & More Mischief & Miffs In Michigan
“At Dominion, we take great pride in the limited role we play
in elections and we want to assure voters that they can have
confidence in the accuracy and reliability of their voting
systems,†John Poulos, the CEO of Dominion Voting Systems said
via Zoom, during a hearing
on December 15th before a Michigan Senate Oversight Committee
Poulos attended the nearly three-hour hearing to help lawmakers
and voters better understand the election software procedures. This
followed a few failed attempts to reach him by Republican State
Rep. Matt Hall.
The previous day Republican electors in Michigan
were blocked from entering the Capitol Building in Lansing to
cast ballots opposing Democrat Joe Biden for president, a move that
was supported by the GOP speaker of the House.
Poulos’ appearance comes on the heels of a scathing forensics
audit report that concluded Dominion was intentionally and
purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud
and influence election results. The audit was prompted because of a
supposed “glitch†in Antrim County where 6,000 votes were
switched from Trump to Biden. Forty-seven other counties also used
the same Dominion Voting Systems. You can read more on Antrim
County and Dominion in previous
Activist Post articles.
Based on their findings, the team from Allied Security Operations Group suggested
that the Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan.
They also suggested that the results of Antrim County should not
have been certified. They examined compact flash cards used by
local precincts in their Dominion ImageCast system, USB memory
sticks used by Dominion Voter Assist Terminals, and USB memory
sticks used for the poll book, and performed forensic duplication
on the county’s election management server, which was running
Dominion Democracy Suite 5.5.3-002.
Incidentally, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson
intervened to prevent the audit results from being released. This
prompted attorney Matthew DePerno, working on behalf of Plaintiff
William Bailey, to file an emergency motion, requesting the judge
unseal the results.
Human Errors VS A Design For Fraud
“Let me start by saying that if any testimony has been found
to be credible, by a judge or election official, I am not aware of
it,†Poulos responded when Senator Michael MacDonald asked him
whether it was possible for anything to have been manipulated.
In fact, he denied without exception all allegations related to
machines and software used in elections. He blamed any mistakes on
“human error,†and “lack of update†or “technical
support.†Poulos said the errors occurred in Antrim because they
forgot to update their tabulators.
“As Michigan’s Director of Elections stated in a court
filing … ‘the (forensics) report makes a series of unsupported
conclusions, ascribes motives of fraud and obfuscation to processes
that are easily explained as routine election procedures or error
corrections…The reason we are now talking about Antrim County has
to do with a series of human errors,†he said.
But when asked if there is any method of voting that’s “100%
secure,†back on January 9th, 2020 in
sworn testimony before the
House Administration Committee, he said “No.â€
Consider that an HBO documentary titled Kill Chain: The Cyber
War On America’s Elections, released in March, openly
outlines Dominion’s inherent vulnerabilities.
Also, a lengthy opinion and order from Judge Amy Totenberg in
Curling v. Raffensperger, 2020 WL 5994029, filed in October
in Georgia, found “extreme†and unacceptable security risks in
the Dominion system. And
Texas rejected certification of their Democracy Suite system on
three occasions was denied certification.
In case you missed this WTF
Alert…Kill Chain is a doc on #HBO
about the
#cyberwar on American elections. It came out earlier in the
year…This is a clip about
pic.twitter.com/mLb01jVbwF— Maryam Henein/ #Shadowbanned (aka BeeLady) Sassy
December 15, 2020
Flagged For Adjudication In Antrim
Critics agree that the adjudication process is the simplest way
to manually manipulate votes. Basically adjudication, usually
conducted in batches, is when a potentially spoiled ballot is fixed
and hence saved. Instead of tossing ballots out, they are reversed
and sent to adjudication for a decision by election personnel.
In Michigan, a staggering number of votes required adjudication.
For instance, in Central Lake Township, there were 1,222 ballots
reversed out of 1,491 total ballots cast, resulting in an 81.96%
rejection rate. In Antrim, the tabulation log for the forensic
examination of the server from December 6, 2020 consisted of 15,676
individual events, of which 10,667 or 68.05% of the events were
recorded errors. The allowable election error rate established by
the Federal Election Commission guidelines is 1 in 250,000 ballots
or 0.008%.
The forensic report remarked that administrators could
theoretically change results while adjudication files could be
moved with no audit trail.
“This was a 2020 issue not seen in previous election cycles
still stored on the server,†stated ASOG cofounder Russell
Ramsland Jr, a former Reagan administration official who has worked
for NASA. “This is caused by intentional errors in the system.
The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no
oversight, no transparency, or audit trail. Our examination of the
server logs indicates that this high error rate was incongruent
with patterns from previous years.â€
Ramsland added that attributing these issues to human error is
not consistent with the forensic evaluation, which points more
correctly to a systemic machine and/or software errors.
Incidentally, these errors occurred after the Antrim County
Clerk provided a re-provisioned CF card with uploaded software for
the Central Lake Precinct on November 6th. The Dominion Voting
System produced systemic errors and high error rates both prior to
the update and after the update; meaning the update (or lack
thereof) was not the cause of errors.
Yet Poulos painted a different picture. He insisted that errors
occurred because of human oversight.
“If all of the tabulators had been updated as per procedure,
there wouldn’t have been any error in the unofficial reporting.
If public Logic and Accuracy testing had taken place, the error
would’ve been caught when it should have been caught, prior to
the election. If steps weren’t specifically taken to salvage the
already printed ballots, the system would not have allowed election
officials to upload memory cards, and the reporting error never
would have occurred.â€
He went on to explain that Antrim hasn’t licensed their
digital adjudication tool. “With digital adjudication, the
original ballot is never changed, and a full audit trail shows the
original image, shows who the bi-partisan adjudicators were and
what they agreed on, and ultimately captures any changes they made
per State law.â€
Counties that don’t use this software tool adjudicate manually
by creating new ballots when needed.
“In Antrim county, ballots are reconciled manually. What the
report is alleging is impossible because Antrim County does not
license nor use digital adjudication,†he stated during the
hearing. “Furthermore, digital adjudication requires the use of
ballot images. Antrim County did not record absentee ballot images.
Any U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) accredited voting
systems testing laboratory (VSTL) can easily and independently
verify whether adjudication is used by review of the database
structure…The reason we are now talking about Antrim County has
to do with a series of human errors.â€
Significantly, the forensics report also discovered that the
computer system showed vote adjudication logs for prior years; but
all adjudication log entries for the 2020 election cycle were
missing. Repeat, the logs were wiped to track voting changes,
rendering them now impossible to audit. Why are all server
security logs prior to 11:03 pm on November 4, 2020
This means that all security logs for the day after the
election, on election day, and prior to election day are gone.
“The lack of records prevents any form of audit
accountability, and their conspicuous absence is extremely
suspicious since the files exist for previous years using the same
software. Removal of these files violates state law and prevents a
meaningful audit, even if the Secretary wanted to conduct an audit.
We must conclude that the 2020 election cycle records have been
manually removed,†reads the report.
Poulos chalked up all adjudication claims as “bizarre†and
“entirely false,†insisting that the paper ballots do match the
machine totals; therefore, no problems were identified with his
software. He also added that because there was no automated
adjudication process, there were no logs that were missing. “In
many circumstances, source code is delivered by hand by State
certification officials.â€
TRIES At The Ministry of Truth
“The Party controls and constructs all sources of
information in Oceania, including the type of news and media its
citizens receive.†Orwell, 1984
Who believes
#JohnPoulos is a liar?Q: “Would you consider it impossible for anything to be
manipulated?â€A: “Let me start by saying that if any testimony has been
found to be credible, by a judge or election official, I am not
aware of it.â€
pic.twitter.com/nGHsB8u2Gy— Maryam Henein/ #Shadowbanned (aka BeeLady) Sassy
December 15, 2020
These days, lies are weaved into truths. I call them
“tries.†In an information war, tries are very difficult to
catch unless you pay very close attention, keep track of details,
and connect the dots. The Ministry of Truth is slick, vaporizing
words and reality with warp speed.
With that said, many watching Poulos remarked that his testimony
was rife with lies. Some were a bit gentler.
“He was very good at talking around issues,†says Brenda
Savage, a spokesperson for the Election Integrity Fund.
“Things are now as clear as mud.â€
One of the first red flags was when Polous said his company has
been the target of a disinfo campaign that defies ‘facts or
“Unfortunately, Dominion has recently been thrust into the
national spotlight as part of a dangerous and reckless
disinformation campaign aimed at sowing doubt and confusion over
the 2020 presidential election…To date, no one has produced
credible evidence of vote fraud or vote switching on Dominion
systems because these things simply have not occurred.â€
After watching Dominion CEO’s testimony to Michigan state
legislature today, I decided to fact check his testimony.There were *just so many LIES*! Here is what I got so
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker)
December 16, 2020
Critics, however, would affirm that plenty of credible evidence
has been presented to at least beckon an investigation; and that
two, Dominion is the one helping spearhead a disinfo campaign,
going as far as to say in a press release that this was “the most
secure election in U.S. history.â€
Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, also
echoed this sentiment, following the forensic report, stating
“Let’s be clear: Michigan’s Nov. 3 general election in
Michigan and across the country was the most secure in the
nation’s history. There continues to be no evidence of widespread
At this stage, these statements don’t reflect well.
Incidentally, Benson also said that questioning the election is
akin to
attacking democracy. Many many others, included the mainstream
media, have also parroted this notion.
“Amplifying these obviously false narratives about fraud or
irregularities corrodes public trust; it threatens national
security; and it weakens our democracy and our standing around the
world,†said Senator Gary Peters on Wednesday December 16th,
before a GOP-controlled Senate committee.
These sentiments are dead wrong and arguably dangerous. A
democratic process invites others to ask questions, and a robust
and uninhibited debate is crucial, as is a fair and unfettered
marketplace for info. That is why we have the Bill of Rights in the
form of the First Amendment.
“Calling anyone who is using their God-given right to speak
out that is enshrined in our Constitution about anything as
attacking democracy is just plain silly,†writes Podcast producer
and host LADuke in an article in
RedState. “Keep making sure that your voices are heard
in a strong firm way with no hint of anger or escalating to
violence. That is about the most patriotic thing you can do in this
democracy (actually republic) that most of us love and
Poulos also stated that when there is a digital adjudication
process, there will be a computer connected to the tabulator, and
it will record an image of the ballot, for auditing purposes. He
reiterated that Antrim’s tabulators were not connected to
the Internet.
However, Dominion voting machines were connected to the
Internet, according to
whistleblower Mellissa Carone who worked at the TCF Center in
Detroit. She said she was actually given a binder that included
information on how “the machines were connected to the
“All the tabulator computers were connected via Ethernet
cables to a network router,†adds Patrick Colbeck. “And that
router, in turn, was connected to another router that was connected
to the adjudicators. Those were connected to another
router/firewall which was connected to the Internet, which was
connected to the local data center.â€
Meanwhile, fired Director of Cyber Security Chris Krebs told the
US Senate Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday December 16th
that some Dominion Voting Machines were connected to the
Internet. Krebs, who has worked for Microsoft, debunked some of
the claims in the report saying they were “misinterpreted.â€
Next, Poulos said that Dominion doesn’t use “SolarWindsâ€
for its monitoring system in his hearing.
“Dominion Voting Systems has not now, nor has it ever used
SolarWinds Orion platform,†which was the subject of DHS
emergency declaration dated December 13 2020. SolarWwinds was
involved in one of the most sophisticated and perhaps largest
hacks, involving the Treasury and Commerce Departments.
“Now we know why Dominion deleted ‘“SolarWinds’†from
their website,†wrote former 8kun admin CodeMonkey. Many of us
visited the site and saw the SolarWinds logo on Dominion’s page
until it soon disappeared.
“This guy is a wordsmithing liar,†remarked another person
on Twitter.
Finally, Poulos also said that Dominion runs voting systems in
28 U.S. states, and Dominion asserted in an opinion piece that
“Dominion is a nonpartisan, American company,†while Polous
neglected to say that he is a Canadian citizen who donates
exclusively to liberal parties and politicians.
Another critique was that the senators lacked the level of
technology needed to properly question Poulos.
“The attendees just took the CEO’s responses at face value;
no challenges. Disgusting,†wrote one person on Twitter. Another
person added, “yep, too bad we had a bunch that were not up to
speed with technology asking the questions. Kind of a wasted
Patrick Colbeck, a former Michigan state senator, governor
candidate, and founder of
Let’s Fix It, agrees that the substantial questions
that needed to be asked, were not. This is despite the fact that he
himself made a concerted effort to collect tech-based questions
addressing the forensics report and Dominion, and supplied them to
the senators. While the senators did ask a few questions,
they were not able to follow up.
More scrutiny was required since this wasn’t ‘just an add
water’ type of election process,†added Colbeck who served for
two terms as Michigan state senator from the northwestern portion
of Wayne County, which includes Detroit. He also spent 24 hours as
a GOP poll watcher at the TCF Center in downtown Detroit.
Game One: Ambiguous Result
Following the Senate Oversight Committee hearing, Lisa Lyons of
Kent County put
out a statement:
Today’s testimony … should put to rest the false claims of
tabulator manipulation in the November Election…Simply put:
Tabulators don’t run elections. Clerks, staff, and election
workers from our communities who take an Oath to uphold the
Constitution run our elections, and in Michigan we run them using
paper ballots that can be re-counted and audited…The spread of
misinformation about this election must stop now, so that we can
turn our attention to the real concerns that need to be addressed
to ensure integrity in our elections.
But per the Constitution, President Trump can
still win this election, despite what the mainstream
media tells you.
Jenna Ellis argues that President Donald Trump still has time to
challenge the election results and that state legislatures still
have time to decide which set of votes from dueling slates of
delegates to send to Congress on Jan. 6, the day when the Electoral
College votes are counted.
Texas electors voted 34-4 to call on Legislatures in
Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin — whose election
results handed the White House at Joe Biden — to appoint their
own electors. Seven states will be bringing forth their own slate
of electors, and until January 6th — when the official electoral
votes are counted — more fraud could be uncovered.
Watch Attorney Matthew DePerno and I discuss the results of the
Dominion Voting Systems forensic audit from Antrim County,

Only one senator is needed to bring forth debate.
Rand Paul may join Congressman Mo Brooks, who has already filed
an objection to electoral votes.