The Mainstream Media Betrayal of Journalistic Responsibility Is Complete
Happy End of Another Week, my dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. I’m ready for a three day happy hour.
Here we are, facing a Friday the 13th in 2020. I’ve never been superstitious before, but now I wouldn’t be surprised to see cackling wraiths descending from the sky on flying albino rattle snakes by the end of the day.
Anyway, it’s Friday, and I often like to TGIF by beating up on the thoroughly execrable mainstream media. What the Democratic advocacy corps that masquerades as our journalist class has been up to since the election has plumbed new depths of unforgivable. That’s saying a lot when discussing people who spend every day exploring ways to be almost criminally irresponsible.
Am I adequately conveying my dislike for these cretins?
After lying daily for months to get the drooling husk that once was Joe Biden elected president, they’ve spent the days since the election slandering any American who has expressed an interest in making sure that any irregularities in ballot counting are exposed.
Yesterday I happened upon something written in The New York Times that was so ridiculous I at first feared that the author was concussed. The article was an exploration of Republicans’ “distrust of news” and the gist of it was that all of us right-wing nutjobs are getting all of our news from crackpot disinformation sites that don’t undergo any rigorous fact checking. We don’t trust the news because the various bulls**t whisperers on the Right are telling people that they shouldn’t, according to the blameless lambs at the Times.
As one of those bulls**t-whispering crackpots, I naturally took umbrage with that.
The combined Townhall Media Mothership universe (PJ Media, Townhall, HotAir, RedState, Bearing Arms, and Twitchy) is by far one of the largest “right-wing media outlets” in America. We are absolutely crawling with fact-checkers, both internally and externally. We are a for-profit company that very much enjoys those profits. If there is even a hint of anything awry, we can get fact-checked and throttled by more than one of our revenue drivers. Because of that, we rigorously check everything prior to publication.
The notion that we are skipping about the media landscape saying whatever the hell we want to is patently absurd. It’s even more absurd coming from the Times, which spreads misinformation and opinion as fact with impunity. I’m not even a journalist, I’m a comedian who also happens to be a bomb-throwing (RHETORIC ALERT!) conservative opinion writer. Even so, I’m subject to more rules than any Times writer will ever face.
I’m not only subject to more rules, I’m also just a better person than 99.9999999% of the filth who parade as journalists in the mainstream media. Yeah, I like to push buttons and stir up emotions, but I also like to keep things on the truth side of the aisle. I’m honest about my bias.
As for journalism, the open cheering of Biden’s election throughout the MSM is proof positive that it is dead forever in all of the dinosaur media.
Old media is dying, that is true. New media is ascendant and has gained a prominence that prompts non-truth screeds like the Times article. They’re lashing out because they see the writing on the wall.
Sadly, the MSM numbers are still huge, especially in network news. The shift in the media landscape is a slow one, but it is picking up.
We need to begin exploring bigger, louder, and harsher ways of exposing the vile pathological liars in the MSM. There can be no letting up. Should Grandpa Gropes make it to the White House, they no doubt will be emboldened and double-down on their truth-free ways.
I’ll be over here in Crackpot Land, whispering to the ever-vigilant rightwing masses as we keep pushing back against the anti-American MSM falsehood machine.
Any Way This Turns Out, the Lefty Kids Are Gonna Have a Rough 2021
Nah, we’re gonna wait until he can’t get anything through Congress and then gets his executive orders smacked down by Trump judges to explain that to you.
— SFK (@stephenkruiser) November 13, 2020
400 years ago, 102 pilgrims risked a 3,000 mile trip in an 80 foot ship in search of religious freedom. 1/2 died. Today, our Gov’t is prohibiting from us from gathering to celebrate them because of a virus with a 99.95% survival rate. WTF happened to us?
— WindTalker (@nmlinguaphile) November 12, 2020
PJM Linktank
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Republican Sen. Lankford Says He Will Intervene if Biden Can’t Access Intel Briefs
FLASHBACK: Joe Biden Agreed With Voter Who Called Trump an ‘Illegitimate’ President
VodkaPundit: Insanity Wrap #86: Hello President Biden, Goodbye Lower- and Middle-Class Wage Growth
Video: Church Militant’s Exclusive Interview with Raymond Ibrahim on Islam and the West
Andrew Yang Tweet Sparks Call for Biden Supporters to Move to GA to Vote for Him
Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin: Here’s an Update on Team Trump’s Lawsuits and Recounts
Obama Now Worries He May Have Gone Too Soft on America’s Alleged Racist Oppression
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VIP Gold
From the Mothership and Beyond
Schlichter: Go On the Offensive In Georgia
Arizona Republican Party Files Lawsuit to Enforce Hand Count By Precinct
#Flopsweat. WATCH: Adam Schiff and Joy Reid Fret Over Republican-Led Investigations
Ex-Clinton Aide Details the ‘Stealthy Road’ to a Trump Victory That’s Being Overlooked
Arizona’s Secretary of State’s Anti-Trump Tweets Resurface
The commies are coming. Biden Campaign Comms Director Won’t Rule Out a National Lockdown
Michigan State GOP Lawmakers Ask for Full Election Audit
Does Trump Really Plan to ‘Wreck’ Fox News? His Tweetstorm on Thursday May Provide Some Clues
OK, trying this: Use Coffee Grounds to Eliminate Household Odors
FL Governor Wants To Get Tough On Looters
NC’s Mark Robinson Is The Warrior We Need
Here we go: ACB Gets Her First Crack At The Second Amendment On Friday
“The Squad” Grows, But That’s An Opportunity
The Looming Legal Fights Over Our 2A Rights
Bret Baier Finally Addresses Erroneous Call of the House… A Full Week After the Election
Media and Joe Biden Are Flaming Hypocrites: Here’s What They Said Before About Calling Races Early
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How California Can Extend the Red Wave
Jake Tapper Becomes Triggered by ‘CNN Is Not a News Organization’ Claim, Then Receipts Get Dropped
Weird. How I Got Caught Up in a Global Romance Scam
Another Flipped Seat: Democrat Max Rose Concedes In New York’s 11th Congressional District
GA SecState: Hand Recount Will Be Accurate — And Won’t Change The Overall Result
Republican Declares Victory In Closest House Race In The Country (But There’s Going To Be A Recount)
Told ya. Four Trump Insiders Say: “2024 Is Going To Happen”
Maintaining Hope in a Time of Lies
More intolerance from the LGBTQ mob. Target pulls book on ‘the transgender craze’ from its shelves
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Smells Like Onion
Looking Back On The Onion’s First 15,000 Years Of Coronavirus Coverage
— The Onion (@TheOnion) November 12, 2020
The Kruiser Kabana
— Archillect (@archillect) November 13, 2020
This show was so weird.
It’s the end of the week as we know it (and I feel fine).
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PJ Media Senior Columnist and Associate Editor Stephen Kruiser is the author of “Don’t Let the Hippies Shower” and “Straight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage,” both of which address serious subjects in a humorous way. Monday through Friday he edits PJ Media’s “Morning Briefing.” His columns appear twice a week.