Former vice president Mike Pence has defended allowing election fraud on Jan. 6 and called Trump supporters “un-American” for demonstrating against the ghastly crime of a stolen election.
“Now there are those in our party who believe that, in my position as presiding officer over the joint session, that I possessed the authority to reject or return electoral votes certified by the states,” he said. “But the Constitution provides the vice president with no such authority before the joint session of Congress.”
In actuality, Pence refused to use his authority to reject the vote steal, instead opting to make pathetic excuses given to him by his handlers for not taking action.
He went on to call Trump supporters “un-American” for standing for election integrity, further solidifying his reputation as a traitor against the Republic.
“And the truth is,” Pence said, “there’s almost no idea more un-American than the notion that any one person could choose the American president. The presidency belongs to the American people and the American people alone.”
He added that he will “always be proud that we did our part, on that tragic day, to reconvene the Congress and fulfill our duty under the Constitution and the laws of the United States.”
Big League Politics has reported on Pence’s emergence as the most reviled figure within the GOP for shirking his duty when it mattered most:
“Former vice president Mike Pence was called a traitor by many attendees of the Faith and Freedom Conference in Orlando, Fla. on Friday.
“It is great to be back with so many patriots dedicated to faith and freedom and the road to the majority,” Pence said to a smattering of applause.
“And I would like to thank my friend Ralph Reed for those overgenerous words,” he added. This is when the crowd started to turn on him.
Chants of “Traitor!” echoed through the building as the usually even-keeled Pence appeared visibly shaken.
“I’m a Christian, a conservative and a Republican in that order, and I am honored to stand before you today,” he said, struggling to be heard over the hecklers…
Pence proved he was not a patriot on Jan. 6 and has lost the support of the American people as a result. He will be remembered by some as among the worst men ever to serve.”
Pence’s career is over, and it is only a matter of time before he slinks out of the public eye and gets some cushy thinktank or lobbyist job. He ought to face tribunals after the vote steal is rectified.