
Twitter Censors the Nation of Islam for Criticizing mRNA Vaccines But Not for Attacking Jews

Twitter Censors the Nation of Islam for Criticizing mRNA
Vaccines But Not for Attacking Jews 1

The Jew-hating Nation of Islam was finally banned from Twitter.  But not for attacking Jews, for attacking the mRNA vaccine.

The Federalist reported:

The Nation of Islam, an extremist antisemitic group ran by Louis Farrakhan, was banned from Twitter for criticizing mRNA vaccines. Twitter previously declined to ban Farrakhan’s personal account or the group account for their routine harassment of Jewish people.

Twitter moved to ban the account last week after being targeted for promoting “misinformation.” In reaction to the ban, a high-ranking member in the group tweeted, “Unsurprisingly, Twitter, Inc. has suspended The Nation of Islam’s official account: @OfficialNOI.”

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A report cited by the White House this month said that 12 Twitter accounts are responsible for 65 percent of supposed anti-vaccine content. One of the 12 listed was Rizza Islam, a Nation of Islam member. While Twitter took action against the group after perpetual mRNA vaccines criticism, it remained silent on its previous anti-semitism.

This is no surprise coming from Twitter which allows Jew-hating individuals tweet all day but censors and eventually kicks off the President of the United States Donald Trump.

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