University fires administrator for discriminating against police chief who voted for Trump

University fires administrator for discriminating against
police chief who voted for Trump 1

GRAND FORKS, ND – University of North Dakota President Andrew Armacost has fired one of the two administrators former UND Police Chief Eric Plummer claimed discriminated against him on the basis of his political beliefs because he voted for Donald Trump.

Plummer had filed a complaint alleging his working relationship with Vice President for Student Affairs & Diversity, Cara Halgren deteriorated after she learned he voted for Donald Trump in 2016.

In the complaint, Plummer wrote that Halgren admitted to the behavior during an administrative meeting earlier this year:

“In a meeting on Thursday, January 28, 2021, regarding the hostile and toxic environment created by Cara Halgren and Cassie Gerhardt and attended by VP Jed Shivers and President Andrew Armacost, Cara Harlgren stated twice that she has treated me differently because of her assumptions of my political affiliations and that she would not change her views of me personally going forward.

“I immediately exclaimed ‘Wow!’ President Armacost seemed alarmed by her comments and even attempted to get her to clarify her statements. She doubled down on her comments and even sent me a text message which started out ‘I meant what I said.’”

Shockingly, the text went on to suggest Plumber sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with her as a solution to avoid her behavior moving forward. The complaint alleged:

“The text continued on, “It feels horrible right now, but I’d also hate for this to be the way it ends. We both deserve better than that. I’d like to propose meeting at north side and drawing up a MOU for us.’

“I think this is inappropriate to ask for me to go back to where the harassment started to create an MOU for ‘us’ to repair an issue that was created by her discriminatory conduct.”

The trouble began when the once time close associates had a conversation about the 2016 presidential election. He said during the conversation, Halgren asked for whom he voted. In the complaint, Plummer recalled:

“As Cara is a Vice President, I did not feel I could not answer, as at the time I was not comfortable answering; however, due to our longstanding business relationship, I told Cara who I had voted for in the election based on her request. She then continued, “How could you have voted for that man?’”

Following that conversation, he said the behavior of Halgren, and Associate Vice President of Student Affairs and Diversity Cassie Gerhardt turned hostile against him. Halgren cancelled all future breakfast meetings with the police chief, something that had previously been a staple of their day.

He said the meetings provided an avenue to remain close to the Student Affairs Department, which was a vital part of his job. The complaint said:

“This severely impacted my ability to foster and develop relationships within Student Affairs, which is a major portion of my job responsibilities. Over the next (four) years, Cara’s interactions with me grew less professional and Cassie Gerhardt became more confrontational in interactions with me and my department.]

I brought these concerns to Cara’s attention as well as other leaders in the organization. Those leaders also noticed the tension.

“I asked multiple times about reasons they would have regarding their treatment and comments about me and my department and these would continually be dismissed.

Their behavior became so pervasive that others, even those working within their own area, routinely would make comments regarding their unprofessional behavior in meetings and in other actions.”

The complaint detailed that Plummer found himself being excluded from important activities and meetings, such as a COVID-19 response Zoom sessions with students which Gerhardt has moderated, despite taking part in a Faculty and Town Hall earlier in the day.

There was also an allegation in the complaint that Gerhardt demeaned him when meeting new VP Melony Linder and was dismissed over student privacy concerns:

“Processes involved with the Behavioral Intervention Team have been modified or changed outside of the normal team environment, and Cassie has routinely demeaned me in front of new leadership (i.e., introducing me to VP Meloney Linder as the ‘part-time police chief’).

After one BIT meeting, I expressed concerns regarding the breaking of confidentiality of the BIT process based solely on the color of the student’s skin and Cara stated that the BIT ‘is just a bunch of white people sitting around the table.’

In July, Administrative Law Judge Hope Hogan ruled that Halgren had not harassed Plummer or created a “hostile environment,” but had “discriminated against” him because of his political beliefs. Halgren appealed the ruling, and his appeal was dismissed.

In mid-September, Halgren was fired by UND for discrimination against Plummer. University President Armacost announced the termination by email to the campus community:

“Today, I made the decision that it is in the best interest of the University to part ways with Dr. Cara Halgren as our Vice President for Student Affairs and Diversity.

“Without a doubt, this news will impact many people on our campus, and I ask that you refrain from speculating on this decision. It is important that we as a community continue to work together to move forward.”

Plummer’s complaint against Gerhardt was dismissed. According to a UND spokesperson, she is still employed at the school.

In February, Plummer left UND for a position at Radford University in Virginia.

After being terminated, Halgren told local media:

“After being promoted from associate dean to dean and then from dean to vice president, I am proud of my more than 15 years of service at UND and uphold my record of treating people fairly. I am grateful for the opportunity to have served an institution that has given me both as a student and as an employee .”

 Editor note: In 2020, we saw a nationwide push to “defund the police”.  While we all stood here shaking our heads wondering if these people were serious… they cut billions of dollars in funding for police officers.  And as a result, crime has skyrocketed – all while the same politicians who said “you don’t need guns, the government will protect you” continued their attacks on both our police officers and our Second Amendment rights.

And that’s exactly why we’re launching this national crowdfunding campaign as part of our efforts to help “re-fund the police”.

For those looking for a quick link to get in the fight and support the cause, click here.

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“Non-binary” assistant college professor defends pedophiles, calls them ‘minor-attracted persons’

November 14, 2021

NORFOLK, VA- Just think…parents pay around $30,000 a year (give or take a few thousand) for this garbage.

What garbage you may ask?

How about a professor at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia who came out in defense of pedophiles…oops, apparently now they’re called “minor-attracted persons.”

Sounds so much less harmful, huh? Lose the stigma attached to perverts attracted to children.

Allyn Walker, assistant professor of sociology and criminal justice wrote a book called A Long Dark Shadow: Minor Attracted People and Their Pursuit of Dignity to promote acceptance of pedophiles, Big League Politics reports. Walker, clearly a confused individual, believes that pedophile behavior can be “moral.”

“I use the term minor-attracted person or MAP in the title and throughout the book for multiple reasons,” Walker explained during a recent livestream.

“First of all, because I think it’s important to use terminology for groups that members of that group want others to use for them, and MAP advocacy groups like “Before You Act” have advocated for use of the term MAP. They’ve advocated for it primarily because it’s less stigmatizing than other terms like pedophile,” Walker said.

Before You Act (B4U-ACT) is a coalition of mental health professionals, as well as “people who are attracted to children” who seek to provide the “people who are attracted to children,” i.e. pedophiles with “compassionate assistance in dealing with the difficulties of living in society with an attraction to minors,” i.e. pedophiles.

Remember when some conservatives espoused the belief that gay marriage was only the first step and it was only a matter of time before the truly degenerate was going to be pushed as “normal?” Here you have it.

“A lot of people when they hear the term pedophile, they automatically assume it means a sex offender, [exactly] and that’s not true, and it leads to a lot of misconceptions about attractions toward minors. I’ve definitely heard the idea that you brought up through the use of the term minor-attracted person suggests that it’s okay to be attracted to children, but using a term that communicates who someone is attracted to doesn’t indicate anything about the morality of that attraction,” he added.

Walker, who is a female who believes she is a man, was conducting an interview with something called the Prostasia Foundation, a non-profit which claims to protect children with an approach that “combines [its] zero tolerance of child sexual abuse with [its] commitment to human and civil rights and sex positivity,” according to Campus Reform.

One of their main advocacy efforts is allegedly to fight against laws that ban sex dolls which are designed to look like children. Yet according to Big League Politics, Prostasia facilitates “support clubs” that give pedophiles intimate access to 13-year-old kids.

Walker continued, “From my perspective, there is no morality or immorality attached to attraction to anyone because no one can control who they’re attracted to at all,” Walker said. “In other words, it’s not who we’re attracted to that’s either okay or not, okay. It’s our behaviors and responding to that attraction that are either okay or not okay.”

As Big League Politics noted, based on Walker’s comments she is clearly advocating for pedophiles and seeks to mainstream child-molesting pedophiles into the LGBTQXYZ movement.

“Non-offending MAPs by definition do not abuse children so their behaviors are moral, but they’re still being subjected to this same idea that they’re bad people,” Walker said.

“Stigma against MAPs is a problem in part because it makes MAPs think that they’re monsters [true]. That’s really problematic in terms of MAP well-being. It’s really hard to cope because you think you’re a terrible person because you have attractions you can’t change,” she said.

Want to know why our country is turning out such a bunch of screwballs? People like Walker are teaching them…or more so indoctrinating them in college.  

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