
Virginia Officials Will Replace Objects in Time Capsule Under Robert E. Lee Statue With Kente Cloth, LGBT Pin And BLM Sticker

Virginia Officials Will Replace Objects in Time Capsule
Under Robert E. Lee Statue With Kente Cloth, LGBT Pin And BLM
Sticker 1

Virginia officials are planning to replace objects in a time capsule stored in the base of the Robert E Lee statue that they tore down and chopped in half at the waist on Wednesday with a Kente cloth, an LGBT pin, a BLM sticker, an expired vial of Pfizer’s covid shot and more.

The full list is a perfect encapsulation of how shallow our ruling elites are.

Future Chinese historians will open it and burst out laughing.

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Virginia Officials Will Replace Objects in Time Capsule
Under Robert E. Lee Statue With Kente Cloth, LGBT Pin And BLM
Sticker 2

Virginia Officials Will Replace Objects in Time Capsule
Under Robert E. Lee Statue With Kente Cloth, LGBT Pin And BLM
Sticker 3

Virginia Officials Will Replace Objects in Time Capsule
Under Robert E. Lee Statue With Kente Cloth, LGBT Pin And BLM
Sticker 4

They should throw in a wrapper from a limited edition McRib.

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Article by Chris Menahan

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