Outsiders hired to manage and operate the Detroit voting machines SAW THE FRAUD!
Whistleblower Melissa Carone is now on record with the court saying she told her supervisor about massive fraud in Detroit at the TCF Center on election night and was told, “We’re not here to run their election” by her boss! This case is part of one filed by the Great Lakes Justice Center. A Detroit Judge has already essentially said all the affidavits are irrelevant in his mind because the City of Detroit says they did everything okay.
- The same ballots being run repeatedly, where the same stack of 50 Biden ballots became 500 votes
- No valid or legal oversight of ballot process, it was just Democrats policing Democrats
- Poll workers duplicated ballots and were changing the votes on the ballots, stealing votes in plain sight!
Carone reported her findings to the FBI, but will they investigate?
The voting machine company, Dominion, under enormous scrutiny for software errors and problems that all seem to benefit Biden. Sidney Powell, among others, hinting at major revelations in the next few days about major Dominion fraud.
Carone is the whistleblower who was scheduled to go on Sean Hannity, but then was pulled at the last minute and appeared on Lou Dobbs instead. Is her testimony too explosive for now-liberal Fox News?
Media keeps asking “where’s the fraud?” and then IGNORES the sworn statements by courageous people like Carone who are coming forward.
At least 2 Michigan State Senators and 20 State Representatives have come forward asking for an audit, but will it happen in time? A Wayne County Judge stopped most of the cases two days ago.
The left-wing media and left-wing judges say that voter fraud witnesses like Melissa Carone are “not credible”
But you can judge for yourself, we have a video statement below from Melissa Carone on what she witnessed: