
Wife of Georgia Democrat Raphael Warnock Accuses Him of Running Her Over With Car in Shock Police Bodycam Footage

Wife of Georgia Democrat Raphael Warnock Accuses Him of
Running Her Over With Car in Shock Police Bodycam Footage 1

The second round of street fights in a month have occurred in Washington DC in a month, with Trump supporters and Proud Boys present in the left-wing city for Saturday’s March for Trump squaring off with Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA.

Clashes erupted almost immediately as left-wing partisans were provided with an opportunity to attack the political right in the absence of large groups. DC Metropolitan police sought to close off all entrances to the so-called Black Lives Matter plaza, but proved unable to prevent a repeat of the brawls that occurred last month after the Million MAGA March. Combat began on Friday night, the night before Trump supporters congregated at the Supreme Court to demonstrate for election justice.

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The fighting between ANTIFA and right-wingers ended Friday when the leftists retreated behind the protection of the DC police.

Violence resumed throughout Saturday, and ANTIFA/BLM didn’t hesitate in using their time-tried tactic of attacking Trump supporters with cheap shot blows to the back of the head.

The size of the nighttime battles suggests that the brawls may have been even bigger than what occurred a month ago.

ANTIFA utilized improvised explosives against their enemies, following in the vein of firework attacks on Trump supporters last month. However, their target this time was Proud Boys far more willing to fight back than leisurely restaurant diners.

The DC Police finally began meaningfully intervening in the brawls at around 830 local time, utilizing pepper spray and disrupting lines of ANTIFA and Proud Boy combatants.

ANTIFA and BLM have no intention of tolerating the political opposition demonstrating peacefully in the nation’s capital.

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