A lawsuit is seeking to throw out 800,000 “illegal” ballots in Wisconsin, where Joe Biden has a 20,000-vote lead.
The Washington Examiner reported Friday the case filed in U.S. District Court in Green Bay “contends that the absentee voting process in Milwaukee County, Dane County (where Wisconsin’s capital of Madison is located), and Menominee County included ‘illegal votes’ and thus must have their presidential election results invalidated,” the report said.
At issue are statements by voters claiming they are “indefinitely confined” and therefore must be allowed to vote by mail, without a photo ID.
In the previous election, there were 72,000 such votes. This year there are nearly a quarter million.
The clerk in Dane County claimed that the state’s COVID-19 shutdown plans made those voters “indefinitely confined” and not subject to the photo ID requirement. The Milwaukee County clerk said the same.
But the state Supreme Court overruled them, determining the policy “was legally incorrect.”
The officials went ahead with the policy anyway.
“The lawsuit also raises issues with absentee ballot witness signatures and the addition of the ballot witness’ addresses on the ballot envelope, another point Republicans have said they are looking into. A Republican source told the Washington Examiner that observers at the polls noticed that ‘a lot’ of the ballot envelopes had been edited by clerks,” the report said.
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If successful, the lawsuit could cause the rejection of about 800,000 ballots, mostly from counties that heavily favored Biden.
Meanwhile, Breitbart News reported Harvard Law School Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz says the Trump campaign is likely to win its lawsuit in Pennsylvania challenging the legitimacy of mail-in ballots received after Election Day.
Dershowitz predicted the U.S. Supreme Court would take up the Trump campaign’s lawsuit if the number of votes being challenged is enough to change the outcome in the state.
“I do think that Trump will win the Pennsylvania lawsuit,” he said.
He argued the Constitution “doesn’t permit anybody in the state but the legislature to make decisions about elections.”
PJMedia reported Trump campaign general counsel Matt Morgan provided an overview of other cases in swing states.
1. Pennsylvania
Morgan cited an initial victory in Pennsylvania, where the secretary of state is playing “fast and loose with statutory dates and deadlines.” Commonwealth Court President Judge Mary Hannah Leavitt ruled Kathy Boockvar didn’t have the “statutory authority” to change election law days before the election.
The campaign is claiming Boockyar and others violated voters’ right to equal protection by favoring some mail-in ballots over others and of violating the Constitution by usurping the state legislature’s authority on election law.
2. Georgia
A hand recount began Friday and is expected to finish next week. Also, a lawsuit has been filed by the GOP in Georgia and the Trump campaign against Chatham County, alleging officials mixed absentee ballots that came in late with those already being tabulated, a violation of state law. A judge later dismissed the claim, which could be appealed.
3. Wisconsin
The campaign is requesting a recount, which would take place after all county canvassing boards are finished.
4. Arizona
The Trump campaign has sued Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs’ office, alleging it incorrectly rejected some votes cast on Election Day in Maricopa County. The dispute involves how votes were processed. It seeks to block certification.
5. Michigan
The campaign sued Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, claiming officials refused to allow Republican poll watchers “meaningful access” to watch ballot-counting.
A Michigan judge rejected a request to stop counting votes, because the process already was completed, but an appeal is pending.
Also in the state, the Great Lakes Justice Center sued on behalf of two Michigan residents charging Detroit elections officials counted ineligible absentee ballots and improperly excluded observers from the ballot-counting process.