
Wisconsin Voters Undeterred by Counterprotest, ‘We Will Never Give Up’

Wisconsin Voters Undeterred by Counterprotest, ‘We Will
Never Give Up’ 1

MILWAUKEE—After being turned away from Serb Hall in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a Stop the Steal rally turned into a march.

Zoraida Demarest said that by not reporting on instances of election fraud and calling the elections before votes have been certified, she feels like the mass media have deceived the American public.

“We’re here to defend our democracy,” Demarest said. She supports President Donald Trump, but says that personal support isn’t why we’re seeing these rallies. “If Trump loses, that’s fine, we know how to lose, we don’t have to break down buildings and start fires because we lost. But at the end of the day this is America and we need to save our democracy.”

“We need to save our democracy because at the end of the day we all have kids, we all have grandkids, and we have to make sure it’s a fair election and it’s not fraudulent,” Demarest said.

She and others have been trying to find out for themselves who to call and what legal actions to take to ensure investigations where necessary.

“So we can do what we need to do as citizens of this country [who] want to keep it free,” Demarest said. “Because if this continues it’s going to get worse and worse, they’re going to perfect this fraud and who knows if we’ll have another election that is by the people?”

Thousands of people rallied in state capitals across the country on Nov. 7, 2020, and again a week later on Nov. 14 with more traveling to Washington to demonstrate.

Epoch Times Photo

Chet Kilgore attended a Stop the Steal rally in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on Nov. 13, 2020. (NTD Television)

Chet Kilgore was buoyed to see the rallies continue across the country.

“I’m unwilling completely to give up my rights as a US citizen, like to vote and so forth. At 74 I don’t have to worry about how many few years I would lose if something were to happen to me, and yes I’ve been assaulted by Antifa and Black Lives Matter and have lost roughly 13 drops of blood, no big deal,” he said.

“I’m glad to see this number of people who are coming out and standing up and will never submit to tyranny,” Kilgore said.

He compared the situation to the Hong Kong protesters who would not stand for tyranny either, but added that they had been subjected to more violence as they stood up against the well armed and powerful Chinese Communist Party with their small numbers, whereas in the United States the majority of people still stand for freedom. He added that there will always be people who fight against tyranny.

“We will never give up and we will never lose,” Kilgore said. “And we will not forget Hong Kong either.”

Read the Full Article

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