WTF: Turning Point USA Invites Arizona SOS Candidate Who Killed Vote Fraud Reform Bill to Election Protection Summit

WTF: Turning Point USA Invites Arizona SOS Candidate Who
Killed Vote Fraud Reform Bill to Election Protection Summit 1

Turning Point USA (TPUSA) has invited an Arizona secretary of state candidate who killed crucial vote fraud reform legislation to their Rally to Protect Our Elections featuring former president Donald Trump.

The rally is scheduled to take place on Saturday, July 24 at the Arizona Federal Theatre from 9am to 5pm. Arizona state senator Michelle Urgenti-Rita has announced that she will be a scheduled speaker at the event.

Activists on the ground in Arizona who are aware that Urgenti-Rita used her authority to kill crucial vote fraud reform legislation are outraged at the news:

Big League Politics reported on how Urgenti-Rita recently killed a crucial vote fraud reform bill over a petty dispute with the bill’s author:

Arizona state senator Michelle Ugenti-Rita (R-Scottsdale) recently killed a crucial bill to protect election integrity, one of her colleagues has reported.

State senator Kelly Townsend (R–Mesa) reported that Ugenti-Rita killed Senate Bill 1241 (SB1241), which she described as having “over 34 serious election integrity provisions.” Townsend said Ugenti-Rita killed the bill due to pettiness as “she was mad that I didn’t get her permission to run them.”

Townsend’s social media post can be seen here:

Additionally, Townsend noted Ugenti-Rita’s refusal to bring up SB1241 in the Government Committee, and then used the fact that the bill did not receive a hearing as an excuse to vote it down.

“I think that’s a pretty substandard approach,” Townsend said, adding that her bills “never had a chance.”

“This chairwoman is denying the people of Arizona confidence and election security,” she added. “That’s unacceptable.”

Ugenti-Rita is hoping to become the next secretary of state in Arizona, but this incredibly petty behavior in state senate leadership shows she is completely unqualified for the job.”

TPUSA has much to answer for after scheduling Urgenti-Rita to speak at their Rally to Protect Our Elections. It is a slap in the face of the Arizona conservative grassroots that fought so hard and sacrificed so much for election integrity. The organization would be wise to boot Urgenti-Rita from the docket and replace her with patriotic state representative Mark Finchem, who is also running for secretary of state, if they hope to save face.

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