Wyoming Governor Signs Bill that Requires Voter ID at Polling Station

Wyoming Governor Signs Bill that Requires Voter ID at
Polling Station 1

Republican Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon signed House Bill 75 into law Tuesday that requires Wyoming voters to present a valid ID before casting a vote. 

This voter ID bill, primarily sponsored by Rep. Chuck Gray, will be effective on July 1.

The new bill requires Wyoming voters to show one of the following forms of valid ID in order to vote at the polls:

  • A Wyoming driver’s license as defined by W.S. 31‑7‑102(a)(xxv)
  • A tribal identification card issued by the governing body of the Eastern Shoshone tribe of Wyoming, the Northern Arapaho tribe of Wyoming or other federally recognized Indian tribe
  • A Wyoming identification card issued under W.S. 31‑8‑101
  • A valid United States passport
  • A United States military card
  • A valid Medicare or Medicaid insurance card (wouldn’t be valid after Dec. 31, 2029)
  • A driver’s license or identification card issued by any state or outlying possession of the United States
  • Photo identification issued by the University of Wyoming, a Wyoming community college or a Wyoming public school

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Rep. Dan Zwonitzer, a Republican, believed the bill will not suppress anyone’s vote because of amendments added to it that allow voters to use alternate forms of ID, such as a Wyoming student ID, Medicare ID or a tribal ID card, according to the Oil City News in Casper, Wyo.

Earlier this month, the Georgia state Senate passed S.B. 202 that included commonsense measures like tightening procedures for polling locations and requiring voters to present identification to request and cast absentee ballots.

Democratic allies like AppleDeltaMLB, and other companies have charged that the bill is voter suppression fueled by white supremacy, using the default accusation that has become their Pavlovian response to all Republican-initiated legislation.

Read the Full Article

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