Pamela Karlan – a Democrat impeachment witness turned member of Joe Biden’s Justice Department – is attempting to obstruct the ongoing Arizona election audit despite warning about foreign election interference in 2017.
Karlan, who made headlines for her smug attacks on former President Donald Trump’s 13-year-old son Barron during impeachment hearings, is spearheading the Biden regime’s efforts to discredit the Maricopa County election audit from her newfound role as Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General at the Department of Justice.
Karlan’s opposition to the audit – meant to safeguard election integrity – is at odds with 2017 statements from the former law professor regarding Trump, Russia, and potential foreign influence over U.S. elections.
In a Salon interview, Karlan posited that “stealing an election” could occur, referencing that Trump and Russia may have colluded to do so:
“But what if voter registration lists were manipulated? I asked her. “If it turns out that people were prevented from voting, that would be stealing an election,” she said definitively. “All of this assumes some sort of cooperation by Trump or his campaign with the Russians. But I don’t think that’s even necessary. Suppose the Russians decided to get involved without colluding with Trump? Suppose they just wanted a weak United States? Suppose they wanted to permanently damage the standing of the United States in the world by electing someone like Trump? The election would be illegitimate because it was stolen by the Russians acting alone.”
Karlan also expanded on the influence of “foreign involvement” in U.S. elections:
“What about the issue of foreign involvement in a campaign? “The founders clearly didn’t want foreign involvement in our government. The emoluments clause and the requirement that the president be a ‘natural born citizen’ tells us that. But I don’t think they contemplated foreign involvement of the kind we’re talking about today.”
The problem with Russian involvement in the campaign is that none of it may end up being illegal. Influencing voters with “bad information,” as Professor Karlan put it, is not illegal, maybe not even if it’s done by foreigners.”
And in an interview with Stanford Law, Karlan criticized then-President Trump for firing then-Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey, adding that the “obstruction of a legitimate criminal investigation” waded into “impeachment territory”:
“The reasons that President Trump gave are patently insincere, even by Trumpian standards, and taken in combination with the timing and the ongoing FBI investigation into interference in the election, the firing is more than “cloudy.” If the firing is intended to obstruct a legitimate criminal investigation, it starts to veer into impeachment territory.”