Foster parents in California were contacted by the state and asked if they would be able to take more than 26 foster children in their home.
The Washington Examiner reported on foster parents in California who were asked to take in 26 or more migrant children:
California foster parents are reportedly being asked how many migrant children they are able to house, including the option of “26+” minors.
“This is an emergency message, please respond to this urgent message from the Community Care Licensing Division (CCLD),” a voicemail obtained bythe Daily Mail to foster parentssaid. “CCLD would like to know how many available beds you have to serve additional youth.”
The CCLD is part of California’s Department of Social Services.
Foster parents Travis and Sharla Kall told the outlet that they also received an email with the same message, in addition to links to options ranging from zero to “26 +” children they could potentially take in.
The Kall’s were also highlighted in the Daily Mail:
‘Usually the maximum amount of children you are allowed to foster at any one time is six,’ said Travis, who currently fosters two four-month-old twins with his wife, while also caring for their biological twins, aged six.
‘We called our case worker and she told us that everyone was calling her because they had got that same call,’ said the small automotive business owner from Orange, California.
‘She said there was a big influx of children coming in, but she didn’t know where from,’ he added.
The couple reached out to a friend who is fostering through a different agency and were told that she had received the same call. The friend also told them her agency confirmed via email that the children were coming from the border.