California To Become Abortion “Sanctuary” With “Future of Abortion Council”

California To Become Abortion “Sanctuary” With “Future of
Abortion Council” 1

California Governor Gavin Newsom, the man who quietly signed Assembly Bill No. 173 into law.

California’s Governor Gavin Newsom and an abortion council have publised a list of suggestions to expand abortion in California including becoming a sanctuary state.

California, already known for its far left policies on immigration and crime, is set to take those policies to the next level. According to ABC News, Gavin Newsom-who started this pro-abortion council-declared “We’ll be a sanctuary… we are looking at ways to support that inevitability and looking at ways to expand our protections.”

California To Become Abortion “Sanctuary” With “Future of
Abortion Council” 2

In referring to the possibility of The Supreme Court striking down Roe V. Wade in Dobbs VS. Jackson, Newsom is already getting out ahead of it and openly defying the law of the land. The California Future of Abortion Council, made up of more than 40 abortion providers and advocacy groups seeks to avoid the law.

The abortion counsel is looking to expand abortion by expanding abortion funding to include women from states where abortion may be restricted. According to ABC. “California already pays for abortions for low-income residents, and the state requires insurance providers to pay for abortions.”

Other extreme proposals from this woke council include diversity in the abortion industry, and workforce and educational scholarships to those who want to perform rural abortions. In addition they proposed protecting abortion providers from liability.

In the words of one pro life leader to The Daily Caller, “Extreme pro-abortion leaders in California are marching in lockstep with the profit-driven abortion lobby, working to convince women that they need access to abortion to succeed,” Prudence Robertson, a spokesperson for the Susan B. Anthony List.

California To Become Abortion “Sanctuary” With “Future of
Abortion Council” 3

Yet again California is showing its contempt for the rule of law, morality and those who believe in morality. Gavin Newsom is thumbing his nose at conservatives, people of faith and people who want to protect the life of the unborn.

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