(Natural News) Another sworn affidavit has arrived out of Michigan, where a contractor for Dominion Voting Systems says that she witnessed with her own eyes “fraudulent actions take place” at a ballot counting site in Detroit on Election Day.
Melissa Carone, who was assigned to perform IT work at the TCF Center from 6:15 a.m. on Nov. 3 to 4 a.m. on Nov. 4, indicated under oath that really the only thing she observed taking place was obvious fraud, and “nothing” else.
A number of workers at the TCF were counting the same ballots four or five times, Carone’s affidavit reveals. And in at least one instance, a worker counted the same batch of ballots eight separate times, adding who knows how many fraudulent votes to the state’s count.
Carone says she was so upset at what she saw that she tried to talk to her manager, Nick Ikonornakis, about it. His response, sadly, was that it was not her or the company’s problem to deal with any potential election fraud taking place at the TCF Center.
“Nick told me he didn’t want to hear that we have a big problem,” Carone says. “He told me we are here to assist with IT work, not to run their election.”
Carone says she also observed poll workers filling out blank ballots and signing them with other people’s names whenever they received an actual ballot that was illegible or had something spilled on it.
“They were supposed to be filling them out exactly like the one they had received, but this was not the case at all,” she contends. “The workers would also sign the name of the person that the ballot belonged to – which is clearly illegal.”
Despite mounting evidence of fraud, Democrats still calling allegations “baseless”
Carone took her eyewitness account to the FBI, which has not yet done anything as far as we can tell. The Great Lakes Justice Center, however, has added Carone’s sworn affidavit to another lawsuit being filed on behalf of others who say they, too, observed election fraud.
The case aims to invalidate the entire election in Wayne County due to numerous “irregularities” that suggest it was skewed to try to steal the election from President Trump and hand it over to Joe Biden.
“The main concern is, obviously, the clear fraud that occurred in the counting process of the votes in Wayne County, and the way votes were manufactured by workers that were there,” David Kallman, a senior counsel with the center, told The Epoch Times.
Responding to the claims, David Fink, lead counsel for the city of Detroit, called them “baseless allegations,” suggesting that Carone and the others are simply “trying to undermine confidence in a well-run election.”
“Like two previous lawsuits, this case is not based upon actual evidence of any election fraud or misconduct,” he added.
The “baseless” suit contains five sworn affidavits from poll observers, as well as a sixth from a city of Detroit employee, who all claim they personally witnessed vote fraud taking place at the TCF Center during ballot count proceedings.
“Affidavits and witness statements are evidence, however the MSM and Democrat trolls claim over and over they are not – hence their claims of ‘no evidence,’” wrote one commenter at The Epoch Times.
“While someone can lie and perjure themselves, it’s hard to see why so many are coming forward. They know they will be slandered by the MSM and their careers destroyed. While no doubt there are some crazies out there who will say anything, I do not believe for one moment that the vast majority are not telling the truth – they have everything to lose and nothing to gain by doing so.”
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