(Natural News) The so-called “recount” currently taking place in Georgia is turning out much like the first one, replete with the same deception and fraud that prompted a recount in the first place.
Undercover journalists from Project Veritas were able to gain access to one of the counting rooms near Atlanta where they talked to poll observers from the Republican National Committee (RNC) who say they saw election workers blatantly switching votes for President Trump to Joe Biden.
Hale Soucie, one of these poll observers, reported that he observed numerous “irregularities” taking place with regard to ballot switching, which he says was always in favor of Biden rather than Trump.
Soucie says a woman who was recounting ballots in the middle of the night “got three wrong” in just three minutes. The woman then handed these incorrect ballots to an auditor who, rather than actually audit them, simply rubber-stamped their approval.
When Soucie was forced to leave that particular table to move on to another one, he says he observed that same auditor “not even looking at it,” referring to the fraudulent ballots that were being passed off from the recounters.
“That person is supposed to be auditing it,” Soucie lamented to one of James O’Keefe’s reporters.
After reporting the problem to Cobb County election officials, Soucie was told that the auditors would be spoken to, prompting some of them to get “all cutesy” in mockery of Soucie because they knew he ratted them out.
Soucie says one of the auditors proceeded to sarcastically put the ballots right up to her face whenever he was watching her. And when he was not watching, this same auditor gave him nasty, glaring looks in obvious disapproval of him scrutinizing her work.
“That’s when things started getting really shady – like, really tense and crap,” Soucie further told the Veritas reporter.
From this point on, wherever in the room Soucie was, he saw recounters and auditors clearly talking about him while pointing his way, essentially intimidating him for trying to ensure a fair election.
One of the recounters was heard complaining to another that she was being “paid by the taxpayer,” and yet “this f***ing a**hole is coming out and watching me.”
The situation was a true eye-opener for Soucie, who worries that such intimidation and fraud likely occurred on a large scale all across Georgia, and perhaps the entire country.
If votes are not being properly counted and tabulated, especially in a recount, then “stuff could be sliding through” that is fraudulent.
Brad Raffensperger ensures that Georgia “recount” and “audit” was fraudulent
As we reported, this alleged recount was fraudulent from the start, thanks to the deliberately failed leadership of Georgia’s secretary of state.
This individual deliberately set up the recount process to fail, it appears, ensuring that the same fraud that went through the first time also went through the second time, “confirming” that Biden “won.”
“Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is doing a tremendous disservice to the people of Georgia by conducting what can only be described as a ‘fraudit’ which fails to provide a complete examination of the election system, the voter rolls, and the eligibility of those who voted,” stated Rick Manning from Americans for Limited Government (ALG) about this farce.
Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.), the head of Team Trump’s election integrity efforts in Georgia, along with Georgia GOP Chairman David Shafer, co-wrote a letter to Raffensperger expressing concerns about the process, only to be ignored.
“Raffensperger needs to resign in disgrace,” wrote one AMGreatness.com commenter. “He has sold out our state by signing an order that said signatures on absentee ballots would not be verified.”
More of the latest news about the fraudulent election can be found at Trump.news.
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