
HUGE: Powerhouse attorney Lin Wood files suit to declare entire Georgia election in 2020 null and void

HUGE: Powerhouse attorney Lin Wood files suit to declare
entire Georgia election in 2020 null and void 1

(Natural News) Donald Trump is hanging on to his reelection chances by a thread after the thoroughly corrupt ‘mainstream media’ prematurely declared Democratic rival Joe Biden the ‘president-elect’ in what is clearly the latest coup attempt against a president who has done more good for our country than the last three presidents combined.

But because he is not a swamp rat and is a legitimate outsider, he is never going to be welcome in a government apparatus that has become so corrupt and so aloof from “We the People” that the ‘checks and balances’ enacted by our founders to prevent this sort of runaway situation are no longer functional.

As such, the people will have to come to the president’s aid and defend him as he fights to defend us and what remains of our republic and its election integrity.

One of those fighting the legal battle on behalf of the president and our country is powerhouse attorney Lin Wood.

A resident of Georgia, Wood is alleging in a massive lawsuit that a March 6, 2020 Consent Agreement made by Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger (RINO) and other state officials with a sniveling Democrat lawyer associated with Hillary Clinton to change election and voting procedures in violation of the U.S. Constitution’s Article II, which only gives that power to state legislatures.

The Gateway Pundit reported: 

On March 6, 2020 the Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, signed off on a secret legal agreement with the Democratic Party of Georgia, the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee to alter absentee ballot procedures in Georgia. The Democrats’ attorney for this secret deal was Marc Elias from Perkins Coie, the consigliere of Hillary Clinton who has been busy managing other secretive Democratic election operations all across the country. 

“The validity of the results of the November 3, 2020 general election in Georgia are at stake as a result of Defendants’ unauthorized actions in the handling of absentee ballots within this state, actions that were contrary to the Georgia Election Code” Wood’s lawsuit states. 

“Defendants unilaterally, and without the approval or direction of the Georgia General Assembly, changed the process for handling absentee ballots in Georgia, including those cast in the general election. As a result, the inclusion and tabulation of absentee ballots for the general election (and potentially, for all future elections held within this state) is improper and must not be permitted. To allow otherwise would erode the sacred and basic rights of Georgia citizens under the United States Constitution to participate in and rely upon a free and fair election,” the lawsuit continues.

According to the Constitution Center, the primary authority to establish the “Times, Places, and Manner” of federal elections rests with state legislatures. That said, Congress also has authority to “make or alter” state regulations.

“The times, places and manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations, except as to the places of choosing Senators,” Article II, Sect. 4 of the Constitution states.

Nowhere in our founding document does it say state officials or state courts have a role in, or can arbitrarily change, voting and balloting procedures established by the legislature and signed into law by governors — whether there is a pandemic, civil war, an ongoing meteor shower, or an invasion by dinosaurs.

So, on the surface, Wood’s suit should be easily granted: The entire election in Georgia cannot be valid.

And if it’s not, then what? A new election? There isn’t enough time, so that state’s GOP legislature will have to choose the electors (again, per the Constitution) for president, and frankly, after all of the Democratic underhandedness, those electors should choose President Trump.

Keep up with all of President Trump’s post-election legal challenges at

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Read the Full Article

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