Major Court Win for Trump Could Put Pa. Back in Play as Vote-Fraud Evidence Piles On

Major Court Win for Trump Could Put Pa. Back in Play as
Vote-Fraud Evidence Piles On 1

A major court victories in Pennsylvania added to a day of explosive revelations and accusations in President Donald Trump’s full-court press to expose vote fraud and secure his re-election bid before the Electoral College convenes on Dec. 14.

In the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania, Judge Mary Hannah Leavitt ruled that the state’s secretary of state, Kathy Boockvar, had usurped the authority of the GOP legislature in improperly deciding to extend the deadline for voters who lacked identification to provide proof.

Boockvar issued the decree to county election boards two days prior to the Nov. 3 contest.

“The Court concludes that Respondent Kathy Boockvar, in her official capacity as Secretary of the Commonwealth, lacked statutory authority to issue the November 1, 2020, guidance,” Leavitt wrote.

As a result, the court issued an injunction preventing election officials from counting ballots that had been segregated due to lack of voter ID.

Conservative anti-corruption watchdog Liberty Counsel hailed the decision.

“Fair elections are the foundation of a free government,” said Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver.

“The irregularities in the presidential election are shocking,” Staver added. “The rule of law must prevail.”

The case was a positive step as an even greater showdown may loom before the Supreme Court about the Democrat officials’ unilateral decisions to bypass the legislature in changing election rules.

Prior to the election, Justice Samuel Alito, who oversees that bailiwick in processing potential cases, told the Pennsylvania boards to set aside all absentee ballots that arrived after Election Day.

The state officials, backed by the liberal state Supreme Court, had invented new rules that extended the deadline for receipt of the mail-in ballots and loosened the standard for signature and postmark requirements.

That potentially laid the groundwork for mass vote fraud should Trump’s campaign hold the lead on election night, which it did by a sizeable margin, only to see that lead of about 700,000 votes entirely winnowed away during the counting of paper ballots.

Meanwhile, officials in Democrat-prevalent precincts such as those in Philadelphia created massive problems for poll observers, refusing to allow them in close proximity of the ballots.

And one of the most shocking—and promising—pathways to victory appeared more and more to be the growing pile of evidence that algorithm-based voting software may have led to hundreds of thousands of Trump votes being converted to Biden votes and more than 2 million deleted, according to a tweet by the president.

Dominion Voting Systems, the company whose software was used in 28 states including all seven of the most contentions tossup states, was revealed to have deep ties with Democrat party leaders including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the Clintons and George Soros.

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