More than half of registered voters believe the Biden administration’s policies are to some extent responsible for rising inflation in the American economy, according to a Morning Consult/Politico poll of registered voters.
The survey found that 58% of voters are very concerned about inflation and 31% are somewhat concerned about it.
Regarding the extent to which they believe the Biden administration’s policies are responsible for the rising inflation in the American economy, 40% viewed the administration’s policies as being very responsible, while 22% felt the policies are somewhat responsible.
The survey was conducted Oct. 16-18 and has a margin of error of two percentage points.
A prior survey conducted in July found that 39% of registered voters felt that the administration’s polices were very responsible for the rising inflation and 20% viewed the administration’s policies as somewhat responsible.
According to the October poll, 20% believe that the activity of Americans resuming pre-pandemic behaviors is very responsible for the increasing inflation, while 28% view this as being somewhat responsible. In the July survey, 19% considered this issue to be very responsible, while 34% thought it was somewhat responsible.
The October poll found that 24% of registered voters believe the nation’s economy will get much worse in the next year, 23% anticipate that it will get somewhat worse, 7% think it will get much better, and 26% believe it will get somewhat better.
The survey shows that the president’s job approval rating is underwater.
While 21% strongly approve of the job Biden is doing and 24% somewhat approve, 39% strongly disapprove and 13% somewhat disapprove.
A new Quinnipiac University national poll of adults also had the president’s job approval rating underwater.
GOP Sen. John Kennedy of Louisiana said during an interview on Fox News last week that the president’s “poll numbers are going down like a fat guy on a seesaw.”