
REPORT: So Many People Are Fleeing California They May Lose A House Seat And Electoral College Vote

REPORT: So Many People Are Fleeing California They May Lose
A House Seat And Electoral College Vote 1

The exodus out of California is real. People are fleeing the state in droves for greener pastures in Arizona, Texas and other low tax states.

For years, many people were willing to put up with the high taxes in California but the COVID lockdowns, combined with Governor Gavin Newsom’s policies, are driving people away.

For the first time, the population is shrinking so much that they may lose some representation.

The Washington Examiner reports:

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Californians flee state in numbers so great it is projected to lose House seat and electoral vote for first time

An exodus sparked by high taxes, coronavirus lockdowns, and regulations has driven California’s population growth rate to a record low, which is projected to cost the state a seat in Congress and an electoral vote.

“This is a real sea change in California, which used to be this state of pretty robust population growth,” said Hans Johnson, a demographer at the Public Policy Institute of California, regarding the net migration loss, which has now occurred three years in a row. “It hasn’t been for some time now. But it’s now gotten to the point where the state is essentially not growing population-wise at all.”

According to a population estimate this week, 135,600 more people fled the Golden State than moved there, which marks only the 12th time since 1900 that the state saw a net migration loss. It is the third-largest drop recorded.

Johnson added that the population decrease could cause the state to lose a seat in Congress as well as an Electoral College vote for the first time. The state did not gain any seats following the 2010 census, which was also a first.

Gavin Newsom has been a terrible governor. This is proof.

Is there any wonder why Gavin Newsom is facing a recall effort?

Cross posted from American Lookout.

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