President Trump promised to make America great again, but as the 2020 election disputes continue, America could go in two sharply divergent directions: it could indeed become great again, or it could become Venezuela.
Sidney Powell explained one of the many alleged anomalies of the 2020 presidential election on the Rush Limbaugh show: “Trump votes were programmed to switch to Biden ahead of time, but Trump’s votes were so high, it didn’t work right because they didn’t set their algorithms high enough.” Could that explain the sudden pauses in the counting of votes in crucial swing states on election night? Trump was too far ahead, and adjustments had to be made to ensure a Biden victory? Powell has also released information claiming that Smartmatic voting software, which was used extensively in the United States in the 2020 election, was manipulated in Venezuela to ensure the victories of socialists Hugo Chavez and Nicholas Maduro.
That isn’t evidence that this software was used in a fraudulent manner in the United States, but it raises the question, and we will likely not get definitive answers until the disputed election reaches the Supreme Court, and even then the arguments will go on. Nevertheless, the ongoing revelations about the 2020 election are more than enough, if not to overturn the result, then at very least to underscore the fact that whether or not President Trump’s efforts to throw out illegal votes and stop voter fraud this year succeed, America will have no more free elections if this problem is not thoroughly addressed, and concrete actions taken to ensure that future elections are tamper-proof.
Thoroughgoing electoral reform, however, depends upon all concerned parties actually wanting fair elections. Therefore, if the Democrats control the presidency, and even worse, the presidency and both houses of Congress, any effective action to ensure an honest electoral process is extraordinarily unlikely. If the Leftist establishment returns to total hegemony by means of electoral fraud, it is not likely to give up its most effective weapon in its now five-year struggle against the evil Orange Man who (almost?) ruined all of their arrangements.
And so it’s all on the line now with Sidney Powell, Rudolph Giuliani, and the rest of Trump’s legal team. Those who are dismissing even the possibility that the presidential election could have been rigged lack a historical sense. America has had fraudulent elections before, even at the presidential level: as Rating America’s Presidents details, Andrew Jackson raged (although he almost certainly wasn’t as unhinged as Hillary) for four years against what he called the “corrupt bargain” that he charged John Quincy Adams had made with Henry Clay to secure victory in the 1824 election, which went to the House of Representatives; he then rode that rage to a landslide victory over Adams in 1828.
Then in 1876, the election dispute dragged on until March 2, 1877, two days before what was then Inauguration Day. In exchange for Democrat acquiescence to his victory, the Republican Rutherford B. Hayes agreed to remove federal troops from the South, disenfranchising black Americans and creating the Democrats’ segregationist “Solid South” that lasted until the next fraudulent election, that of 1960. In that one, Democratic Party machines manufactured enough votes to deliver Illinois and Texas to John F. Kennedy. JFK’s opponent Richard M. Nixon opted not to contest the results, despite having evidence in hand, because of the disruption a disputed election would have caused to Cold War America.
But now the Cold War is long over, the Solid South is a distant memory, and the “corrupt bargain” is the one Trump referred to in a late October rally: “Joe Biden has made a corrupt bargain in exchange for his party’s nomination. He has handed control of his party over to the rage-filled socialist Marxist and left-wing extremists. And could we put another name in there? Starts with a ‘C.’ Communist. Yes. No, we got a couple of them too, unfortunately.”
Yes, we do. And we could have more very soon. If they’re victorious now, we may not get another chance to challenge their hegemony. We have seen how that works in Venezuela.
The Venezuela of Chavez and Maduro is a vivid illustration of how unscrupulous Leftists could indeed gain and hold power even when they’re in the minority, and the damage they could do to a country in the process. On the campaign trail, President Trump stated that America would never be a socialist country, and invoked Venezuela as Exhibit A of how socialism destroys a nation. What is at stake in the disputed election of 2020 is whether or not the same ugly scenario plays out in the United States.
Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 21 books, including the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad. His latest book is Rating America’s Presidents: An America-First Look at Who Is Best, Who Is Overrated, and Who Was An Absolute Disaster. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.