
What’s Going On In Georgia? Demand the Governor and Secretary of State Perform a Legitimate Recount!

What’s Going On In Georgia? Demand the Governor and
Secretary of State Perform a Legitimate Recount! 1

On the morning after the election, President Trump held a 100,000 vote lead in Georgia over Joe Biden.  This was in spite of every effort from the Democrats to steal the election.  However, the efforts to steal that election continued and now the State shows a Biden lead.  This steal must be stopped.

President Trump tweeted this morning:

TRENDING: SHOCKING EXCLUSIVE: WE CAUGHT THEM! Pennsylvania Results Show a Statistically Impossible Pattern Behind Biden’s Steal! WE CAUGHT THEM!

Breitbart reports:

On Wednesday, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) announced a “full, by-hand recount in each county” in the Peach State, stressing that such a move would “help build confidence” in the state’s final election results. Raffensperger described it as a “heavy lift” as the process would involve an audit, recount, and recanvass “all at once.”

A few key players, however, have expressed concern over the process presented by Raffensperger, contending that it lacks certain, essential procedures, such as verifying signature matches on absentee ballots.

Attorney Lin Wood who’s on the President’s team in Georgia retweeted a tweet encouraging the people of Georgia to fight back for their state claiming the governor is corrupt and wanting to push through a bogus recount process:

Mr. Wood also tweeted that government officials should be working for the people not working to make themselves rich:

Wood encourages the Georgia Attorney General to investigate the purchase of masks in Georgia and connections to Dominion:

The people in Georgia must stand up and demand a real recount in Georgia that includes checking signatures on absentee ballots and adequate representation by the Republicans to provide oversight and review so that the recount is done adequately.

Georgians must stand up for their state and their country.

Read the Full Article

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