YouTube Will Now Delete Videos That “Mislead People” About the Election, Promote Mainstream Media Content Only

YouTube Will Now Delete Videos That “Mislead People” About
the Election, Promote Mainstream Media Content Only 1

Goya Foods CEO Bob Unanue recently named Alexandria Ocasio Cortez “employee of the month,” a move that caught many by surprise. 

Unanue rationalized this decision by citing AOC’s calls for a boycott of the company back in the middle of July. According to a report by the Daily Caller, Unanue told conservative radio host Michael Berry that his company’s sales rose by 1000 percent after AOC began her calls for a boycott of the company. 

Unanue was the subject of much criticism after he said that the United States was “blessed” to have President Donald Trump leading the nation. Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary and failed presidential candidate Julian Castro and AOC were some of the leading critics of Unanue’s pro-Trump remarks. 

Unanue is of the opinion that AOC is young and naïve. However, he still believes that she might grow out of this phase of political immaturity. 

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“We still have a chance with AOC,” he stated. He continued, “I love her, you know, I don’t like — she didn’t — she was actually our employee of the month, I don’t know if you know about this.”

Berry admitted that he was unaware, and Unanue broke down how her demand for a boycott of Goya products served as free advertising for the company.

“When she boycotted us, our sales actually increased 1000%, so we gave her an honorary — we never were able to hand it to her — she got employee of the month for bringing attention to Goya and our adobo,” Unanue observed.

Since everything is politicized in our current political correctness order, people’s very food choices will now be called into question if certain corporate leaders say things outside of the acceptable window of public opinion.

Corporate America needs more leaders like Unanue who freely express themselves regardless of what the mob has to say. The more leaders who aren’t afraid to speak out and hold the line, the easier it will be to defeat the PC mob.

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