The fraud is so systemic, so institutionalized, it must have been going on since Joe Kennedy and Sam Giancana stole the election for JFK. They’ve perfected it. Well almost.
Detroit Dominion IT worker describes exactly how poll workers inflated Biden vote tallies (Video)
Source: The Gateway Pundit, Citizen Free Press, November 15, 2020:
Carone was sent to Detroit, Michigan, to provide technical support for the ballot counting process. While she was there she noted poll workers repeatedly double scanning ballots to generate multiple votes from the same batch of ballot sheets. Ms. Carone also witnessed election workers filling out ballots, fraudulently signing ballots, as well as the unloading of vans in an area of the Detroit election tabulation facility she was not permitted to inspect.
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That has now changed.
In video testimony, Detroit IT worker Melissa Carone, who was employed by Dominion Voting Systems as a contractor to keep an eye on ballot-counting machines, says she witnessed poll workers at the TCF Center repeatedly run the same batches of 50 ballots through counters sometimes up to eight, nine, 10 times.
What’s more, she said that while she was not allowed to touch ballots or stand directly over machines, she said only saw ballots marked for Biden during her entire 24-hour shift – not a single ballot for President Trump.
She also testified that there was no legitimate, legal oversight of the balloting process – that Democrats were essentially ‘watching’ Democrats. She also says she saw poll workers duplicating ballots while changing the votes on others, stealing results in the open.
Carone also said she reported her findings to the FBI, but at this point, there is no indication that the bureau – or the Justice Department – has done a thing to investigate.
Her revelations come amid others by Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell, who says she and other legal eagles working on behalf of the president have discovered substantial evidence of alleged payoffs, vote alterations, and other shenanigans related to Dominion and certain state elected officials whom she did not name.
Carnone’s testimony is here:
Melissa, a Dominion contracter who witnessed #ElectionFraud when working in Detroit Michigan, was scheduled to appear on @seanhannity but @FoxNews canceled 30 min before the show so she talked to RedPill78 instead.
Link— President-Elect Maria Sederholm (@Wordofbeak) November 11, 2020
But she also appeared on Fox Business Network with Lou Dobbs, and that interview is here:
And here’s some food for thought: If – if – widespread, open vote fraud against this president were going to take place, it makes perfect sense that it would be carried out in Democratic strongholds like Detroit, where there is a corrupt machine already in place.
Article posted with permission from Pamela Geller
h/t TWS