(Natural News) The word on Twitter St. is that Philadelphia mob boss Skinny Joey Merlino could be on the verge of ratting out the Democrat Party for committing widespread election fraud in the state of Pennsylvania.
American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) Executive Director Jordan Sekulow, son of Jay Sekulow, tweeted a link to an article published by the Buffalo Chronicle claiming that Merlino may be in talks with federal prosecutors about expunging his criminal record in exchange for him spilling the beans.
According to the report, Merlino and his criminal mob worked with the Biden campaign to manufacture around 300,000 fake ballots to the tune of $10 per ballot – meaning $3 million in total profits.
Merlino and his guys then packaged and delivered the phony ballots in non-descript cardboard boxes to the Philadelphia Convention Center, where they were counted alongside the real ones and used to declare Biden the “winner” of the state.
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Anonymous sources – meaning this could be fake news, so take it all with a grain of salt – reportedly told the Chronicle that the fake ballots came from two private households where criminal associates were paid more than $1,000 per hour to fill them out with Sharpie markers.
These associates were able to procure thousands of ballots per hour for more than 60 nearly-consecutive hours, all after the early ballot totals showed Trump with around an 800,000-vote lead in Pennsylvania.
“It’s thought that Democratic Party operatives working inside Philadelphia’s election office provided Merlino with crates of raw ballots just hours before polls closed on election night, which he transported to two private households in South Philadelphia,” writes Patty McMurray for 100percentfedup.com.
“By 10 p.m. that night Merlino’s operation was already generating more than 3,000 ballots per hour, which quickly scaled to more than 6,000 ballots per hour before midnight.”
The Sekulows have an excellent track record of accuracy, honesty
Should this turn out to be true – and we have reason to believe that it probably will, seeing as how the Sekulows are smart guys who know what they are talking about and doing – Biden’s “win” in Pennsylvania could disappear as fast as it magically appeared after Election Day.
Rumor has it that Merlino is willing to give primetime Congressional testimony against Biden and the Democrats if President Trump issues the longtime mobster a full expungement of his decades-long criminal record.
“And, of course, Merlino wants to be pardoned for the election fraud itself and any crimes to which he may incriminate himself during his testimony,” McMurray adds about the conditions associated with this bird agreeing to chirp.
Sekulow also appeared on Newsmax, which many conservatives are now watching instead of Fox News, to discuss these latest developments, giving even more to their credibility.
“We’ve got already a stay at the U.S. Supreme Court in Pennsylvania on all of the ballots that came in late that were postmarked after Election Day,” Sekulow explained during the segment.
“That has been referred to the full court, and I think what the Supreme Court is looking at is whether or not there will be enough cases put together … that it could be outcome determinative,” he added, noting that if enough illegal votes are found and tossed out, Trump would win Pennsylvania (watch the full segment below):
Responding to the news, one commenter at 100percentfedup.com offered some food for thought about who the real criminals are in this country:
“So who is the real mafia in this country? The guys with the funny nicknames or the Feds in their suits and ties?”
As more election-related news comes our way, we will keep you informed about the latest at Trump.news.
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